My next talking point on DEI
Ask them to use the full phrase not the acronym.
IF they know what it stands for and say it out loud, maybe it’ll click with them what they are actually opposing.
#Bluecrew #DEI #Accountability
Ask them to use the full phrase not the acronym.
IF they know what it stands for and say it out loud, maybe it’ll click with them what they are actually opposing.
#Bluecrew #DEI #Accountability
My dads voice will forever be in my head saying “you need to ask yourself if it’s a want or a need”.
Dad, your favorite phrase growing up is in full-play today.
Miss you daddy
Sadly DEI in some orgs in UK causes more division than cohesion; often coz the focus is on poc. Inclusion is so much more.
I work in HR & I would say we should change the acronym to just “Inclusion”.
The word “Inclusion” has far more impact & is powerful.
where the A stands for Accessibility
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Basic Kindergarten Rules
Be Fair
Include Others
What on earth could it be short for?
If you want to call it a flying pony, that’s fine too. It’s the point of the message. ☺️
Because they know it works.
Thank you for your service.
My dad was a Vietnam vet. I wish he were still here as he always had a plan and never sat with his back to the door like America is now
I listened to the interview of Charlie Angus, a Canadian member of parliament today
Canada isn’t playing.
He called Dumpty and his sidekick “cretins” and “douche” which I thought, go Charlie!
Elbows up is the message from Canada 🇨🇦
Now I’m pretty sure it’s just ignorance, some willfully so
Decided they can sound them out slowly. I’ll wait