Cannabis not so much unless you eat it. Carbolization creates a ton of carbon monoxide, which instantly constricts the blood vessels in your brain- the sole cause of the experience of a "headache" in the first place. Especially if you smoke it in unventilated areas- it's what kills you in a fire.
I mean, I use it as my main preventative and abortive med, and I just smoke it out of a bong. Smoke can and does trigger a lot of people, but the benefit of the compounds within tends to help nonetheless.
Oh for sure, I mean nothing against cannabis itself- god forbid. But for me, stupid as I am, I mix it with tobacco a lot because it works better when smoking spliffs. But smoking inside with closed windows triggers CRAZY headaches in me. That's vasoconstriction due to carbon monoxide, which kills.
Whenever I describe my headaches as a needle or spike being stabbed thru my head people give me alarmed looks, even nurses look alarmed. It's nice to see an artistic representation of it.
Migraine relief: Acetaminophen, Aspirin(nsaid), and Caffeine - over the counter. And green lights. I know, sounds like a placebo, but there’ve been decent studies conducted. And I’ll take a placebo effect any day.
*shares if wanted* 💊
But I love how you catch this feeling so well!
Apply gently to the forehead!