Learn Korean with Sel has a translation of #AnotherLevel up, and I really like how Sel translated Verse 1!
Grammar weeds: 조차 is a particle that communicates how extreme the noun attached to it is. 숨결조차 means that there isn't *even* a little bit of breath. It replaces other particles
Grammar weeds: 조차 is a particle that communicates how extreme the noun attached to it is. 숨결조차 means that there isn't *even* a little bit of breath. It replaces other particles
숨결조차 닿지 않던 나의 미로 stage
조차 could be replacing 은, in which the breath is doing the reaching OR it could be replacing 을 in which case we're talking about reaching the breath.
"The maze where I couldn't even reach my breath, the stage"
This flows MUCH better into the next line about the rat race/treadwheel!
Don't trust machine translations b/c they're bad at extracting nuance from ambiguous subject cases. Particularly with minimal context provided in lyrics, you can get some weird stuff.
Check out Sel's translation!