i kinda wanna write a thing w/ drunk sabo who's just desperate for love
like he gets home and is a bit wobbly on his feet, his mind is kinda empty until he spots ace in the living room, playing some game on their playstation
suddenly feeling needy he stumbles over and climbs onto to couch a bit +
like he gets home and is a bit wobbly on his feet, his mind is kinda empty until he spots ace in the living room, playing some game on their playstation
suddenly feeling needy he stumbles over and climbs onto to couch a bit +
ace laughs and pauses his game.
'hey, wondered when you'd come back and wanted to- oof!'
sabo had actually wanted to go in for a cuddle but he'd somehow ended up sprawled in ace's lap.
it doesn't matter though because ace starts stroking his hair a second later.
'went a bit hard +
sabo doesn't bother with an answer, just tries to snuggle more into ace - which he has to admit doesn't work quite well in his position.
'aaaace', he whines, as if somehow that's his fault.
'what?', ace laughs again. 'you always turn into such a big baby when you're +
sabo feels warm hearing that and he smiles a bit.
he manages to heave himself up a bit.
'cuddles', he slurs and tries to close his arms around ace somehow without losing his balance.
ace helps him adjust and with a content hum he hugs ace close.
his face is +
ah, this feels good.
ace is so warm...
sabo wishes he wouldn't have to let go ever again.
'ace?', he asks quietly.
'do you... do you love me?'
'of course i love you, silly.'
'noooo! i mean, do you /love/ me?'
he pulls back so he can stare into ace's grey eyes.
they are huge and unblinking and if he had been more sober he would have seen the conflicted look in them.
but in his drunken state he only cares about ace's lack of an answer.
'you do, +
'y-yeah, of course i do!'
break bc i'm tired af but wanted to start on this hehehe