Tesla Feels the Wrath of Anti-Elon Musk Backlash
Sales are plunging in some of the world’s biggest EV markets, and protesters and vandals are targeting the company’s stores.
Sales are plunging in some of the world’s biggest EV markets, and protesters and vandals are targeting the company’s stores.
And we're unfortunately a right-wing state
He never created ANYTHING
He is the type that can't create.
He has no empathy.
He is a parasite.
Like a fucking wasp that eats your brain and makes you serve their needs until you die for them
People should piss on Tesla's and the people who drive them. Fill Ziploc Brand Name sandwich bags full of piss and throw them at fuckers until they start arresting people for having Ziploc bags make them afraid and reacting to US
We need them to fear US again
Fear us
This can lead to real effect later when action is forced on people they will sometimes act the right way, in essence because they trained them selves by modeling.
Oh! the Tesla thing right right.
Cool cool.
Yep feeling better good, survive good.
Not your fault or their boast.
Doesn't change Elon's power in part rests in Tesla so anything to hurt it hurts them.
The Fucking Fascists.
To fucking who?
The fascists?
To our cousins blinded by centuries of lies?
What kind of ...
Sorry Cousin.
I get worked up. I forget this isn't the space I feel it is.
I have bubble stuff happening here I guess.
WE all make different risk assessments.
FYI I am totally in support of the kids that threw the soup on the Van Gogh painting.
Totally okay action too me.
By my definition they are pushovers for authority anyhow.
I could be wrong, easily. But then again, I have been right about what will happen many times.
Worst decision I ever made and I hate him too. But I’m not the one that needs to be pissed on.
If you get a Ziploc Bag of piss on you I swear I will be sorry for the collateral damage.
Maybe the idea should be refined?
Where is the line. Dealership owners?
Fuck if I know but if a cousin hits me with Piss on accident in this war I'll wipe face and fight on.
Will you?
This is stupid. Take the fight to them. Not innocent people who didn’t do anything wrong.
I have known people who lost people in this war before.
I know yo don't know me or anything maybe about the history of such struggle.
Sorry if it is scary.
Sorry If I suck at this.
Seriously, I am sorry for being a poor communicator.
I am a crazy Artist with brain spiders.
I don't want piss on you
See the metaphor please try.
This is serious a war going on.
My idea sucks?
Say a better one, say twenty if you want & can
Convince me/us
We have to make every day fucked up and scary for THEM even if we take hits.
Even from ourselves.
We have to fight hard now.
It's a War
No blow-back from activism
is worse than the Fascism it fights
Will be worse than the result of not fighting Fascists
If you are hurt or die fighting fascists
You are hurt or killed as a proven enemy of Facists
Fair trade
Make cats smile with both eyes
Piss on or punch a fascist today
Fascists = Feline Foe
Doesn’t have the ring of glory you think it does.