Food is a very important thing in story telling, what are some ways you've used it to express details about a world?
As an EXTRA thing what are some of the stranger or cooler meals you've brought up in games?
Food is a very important thing in story telling, what are some ways you've used it to express details about a world?
As an EXTRA thing what are some of the stranger or cooler meals you've brought up in games?
She was from the zombie-embattled Falkovnia, and she was their cook, so they often had pretty grim, utilitarian meals with scant ingredients. That was all she knew!
vegetables and cheeses the chef could get their paws on that was always a treat to bring out
I had the players describe various foods. The crowd grew and the villagers listened with tears and longing.
Oh, wait, no, what they remember is that they asked the name of one villager, I said "Joseph", and my daughter pointed at the tub of Joseph brand hummus on the table. "Joe Hummus?"