Always weirded out by people that think you need some divine fist hovering over you to keep you in line. Shouldn't being nice, chill, and helpful just be the bare minimum? Those are the people that go totally feral in the apocalypse movie, 100%
Has always been the biggest red flag about the whole ordeal, tbh. Goodness that does not derive from internal motivators, which must be imposed under threat of "damnation," is an absolute farce and the best indicator that these people have little inherent goodness outside their own enrichment.
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The last time I went to church, years and years ago, the “preacher” said “You can NOT be moral without Jesus Christ!” (Also bashing Catholics, which I grew up as, but that’s another long story) Anywho, that was the last nail in the coffin of my faith. “Christian” Trumpers buried it.
That doesn't change the environment that Evangelicals have created. I don't care what Christians believe when the most obvious outcome is damnation proselytizing.
This article does not take a position on anything eternal. I don't know the first thing about that, but I can clarify what "evangelical" means. You may be hearing from different (much louder) Christianity that does not believe a word Jesus taught.
“Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer”
-Madalyn O’Hair