It’s a start….now, stop Musk and his baby minions from interfering in our Treasury! We have our PRIVATE INFORMATION up for grabs with a billionaire and his tech kids?! WYF are we paying congress for? To just sit their asses idly by and let them rake through our financial information? HELP US!!!!!!!’
What Musk has done is a criminal
act more monstrous than 10,000
Watergate break-ins. He and his
minions appear to have committed
what amounts to MILLIONS (!!!) of
counts of fucking Identity Theft.
We can't know the full extent but
clearly this is the most catastrophic
security breach we've ever had!
Lawyers should be filing a lawsuit against Musk for illegal actions and against our constitution
act more monstrous than 10,000
Watergate break-ins. He and his
minions appear to have committed
what amounts to MILLIONS (!!!) of
counts of fucking Identity Theft.
We can't know the full extent but
clearly this is the most catastrophic
security breach we've ever had!
Revolution is the solution.
Overthrow them all.
You're free people for God's sake, act like it, or perish in the flames of tyranny.