Should not surprise people at all how quickly US companies are dropping diversity programs. Corporations are not your friends and only have lip service to social movements because of perceived commercial benefit. Always look at what they’re doing, not what they’re saying
Working for one is akin to working for a Pimp.
And dont forget to keep shilling the lie that Captured israelis are "innocent civilians" when actually POW's
What were they PROTESTING AMY and as "WHAT" happened?
these are the kids at school who never achieved anything but backstabing their friends to try and climb imaginary hierarchy ladders.. and they try and tell you they are doing GOOD? LOL
but keep trying to preach to people LOL
Media people are the most dispicable spineless people imaginable
Amy Remeikis LOL
Also look at what they're saying based on what we're doing.
What they say, while doing really bad things, is also very damning.
Things are unequal.
DEI isn’t about me - I’m mostly retired and white and old - but IS about my community, my neighbours two doors down & across the street, about the kids who volunteer w/my NFP.
Tell them that, too!
Start by never allowing Dutton anywhere near the Prime Ministership.