My belief is that--behind the scenes--Schumer & other democrats are consciously positioning AOC and her team for leadership.
There's 'no dog with a bone' like a progressive in fiery with the belief that he/she/they is 'right'. They simply can't imagine a long game but they are playing it right now.
Let's focus on uniting the party, listening to each other and agreeing on the best way to fight against the dictatorship that has sunk its claws into our Constitution.
The first step is the current leadership must step down. That's what a majority of Democrats want. Enough with the mushy middle nonsense. We can't fight effectively if the leadership in Congress is feckless and mentally trapped in a time that no longer exists.
There's 'no dog with a bone' like a progressive in fiery with the belief that he/she/they is 'right'. They simply can't imagine a long game but they are playing it right now.