Head tipped to the side, the Iudex carefully reached out to hook a finger around one of Wriothesley’s. Pulling his arm just a little closer to himself with a gentle smile as simple curiosity lighting up his expression with that silent question of +
“I’m aware.” Muses a bit, smiling as he undid the strap and offered his arm back to the Sovereign. Thumb gently brushing over a spot where the skin turned pink from the indent it left.
He lifts Wriothesley’s arm a bit so he can see what he was doing bit better, humming as he wrote ‘𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘱’ +
Wriothesley looked down, staring at the words. Hmmm. He sees a few pronouns and articles there, yet some of the words still sound like gibberish to him.
He'll need to check them out in front of a mirror.
"Can I draw something on you in return?" He reached for the pen, palm up.
Ajax trusts Wriothesley will learn in time~.
He's learned a lot already in the short time he's had the dictionary since he found it, so he has no doubt the older will figure it out in no time.
Watching Wriothesley attempt to read them is amusing enough for the time being, capping the pen and~
"..." Look. He's not one to trust people easily.
So he stares down at the marker. Round point, fiber, probably felt. Looks like straight out of a child's pencil case. It has some light chewing marks on the cap. This man is probably a father or takes care of children often.
kaeya smiled, when the duke finally offered his hand. he used his own palm to support and keep it straight. the marker closing in on the back of the taller man's hand, when the unprompted question caught the captain off guard.
Head tipped to the side, the Iudex carefully reached out to hook a finger around one of Wriothesley’s. Pulling his arm just a little closer to himself with a gentle smile as simple curiosity lighting up his expression with that silent question of +
“Could you unwrap the straps on your arm for me? For only a moment, please.”
He reached out to comply with his request almost automatically, still a little bit puzzled.
"What for? I'm not in pain or anything—"
Says as the wraps are already undone and his scarred arm out in the open.
He lifts Wriothesley’s arm a bit so he can see what he was doing bit better, humming as he wrote ‘𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘱’ +
“I only wanted to write this. That’s all.”
"Mon loup— N-neuvillette!" The Warden blushes, looking away with a nervous laughter.
Then、he's holding out his free hand —
❝ Can I have your left arm?❞
The Duke shows reluctance.
002 seems genuine again、holding up the marker a bit.
He walked up to him, offering the back side of his left arm. The part that's not uncovered by his straps, of course.
"So you had the intention of drawing a dick."
He's shaking his head with wide hues、that wasn't his intention at all.
But when that arm is offered he's gently leaning closer、already going to scribble.
Making slow work of drawing something before he scribbles some words next to it.
Nodding to himself as if he's satisfied and then looking up to Wriothesley. Waiting to see his reaction. He hopes it wasn't bad.
"...chest or wrist, I'll let you decide."
"I'm your canvas."
`YA sámyy schastlívyy muzhchína na Zemlé, potomú chto u menyá yest' ty.`
Content, he pulls back, pleased with the result.
He'll need to check them out in front of a mirror.
"Can I draw something on you in return?" He reached for the pen, palm up.
He's learned a lot already in the short time he's had the dictionary since he found it, so he has no doubt the older will figure it out in no time.
Watching Wriothesley attempt to read them is amusing enough for the time being, capping the pen and~
"You gonna tell me what you drew on me before? That little symbol?"
"Just drawing something on your hand, nothing more."
Yet the man takes off his glove, extending his hand to the stranger.
A small sketch of a lotus was etched on Wriothesley's hand.
❛ may i ? ❜
"Sorry, what?"
❛ it's a game. you're supposed to write something on someone else. mind giving me your hand ? it washes off, don't worry. ❜
So he stares down at the marker. Round point, fiber, probably felt. Looks like straight out of a child's pencil case. It has some light chewing marks on the cap. This man is probably a father or takes care of children often.
Children are a soft »
So he finally offered his hand to the man.
"What's the age of the kid?"
He asks, unprompted.
wriothesley couldn't be more wrong. +