I don't think there's any terminology that always has exactly the same definition, language is a living thing it's one of my big special interest topics.
Unity requires the absence of dissent and difference, everyone just agrees about everything and then it's easy to do things.
Solidarity is a lot more complicated because it means accepting that other people aren't the same and finding ways to communicate and work together as you go.
I keep thinking about this in terms of more general political aims. There are a few small left wing parties and they don't agree on everything but they agree on the crucial things and should join forces. Now Labour is quite definitely right wing, we need a larger left-wing block.
I have always thought of our nation's motto, “E pluribus unum”, (out of many, one), as a statement of solidarity, disparate individuals and groups sharing an objective in common coming together in strength.
The only unity the fascists have is an adherence to tyranny. They all equally want to eugenics someone to create their perfect society that "just" needs for everyone to agree they are right about life.
All we need to be is solid on stuff like no kings and powers separation.
I think you need the humility to be able to accept and understand that people have different experiences of reality and find ways to communicate regardless.
How about a healthy democracy and no fascism? That's not enough for you and your purity tests? How about universal human rights? Or you refuse to work with others until you get perfection for your pet issue?
Absolutely, but before you work out how to oppose fascism you need some kind of agreement on what fascism is and I don't think we even have that. Maybe breaking it down into smaller pieces would help. More specifics.
Defining them loosely would be a start, but that isn't my point. You don't defeat the right by arguing against them, you win by presenting an alternative vision that is more appealing and I feel that's missing.
I'm not defending the democrats, I'm not even in the US, I'm a Brit, but the battles are similar.
I'd suggest that criticising the right is a whole lot more powerful if you have a clear alternative vision to point to, and I don't see much of that right now.
Ok I really like this because THAT is what's lacking - solidarity. Especially amongst the so-called left, who PERSIST in striving for 'unity' that is based on marginalised folks sucking up the bigotry entrenched in the white-led groups.
Solidarity is missing. White folks need to get it, QUICK.
Yeah the unity thing is very much a white cultural value. Insisting there is no alternative to prioritising the comfort of power and privilege over the lives of Others.
The (purposeful) destruction of all collective action in the US in the last ~50 years has been devastating not only to the ability to actually organize but to the very *ideas* of intersectionality and solidarity.
Plus with flood the zone info dump strategy there are so many fronts to push back on
And solidarity is way better than everyone united on a single goal.
Just don't let the fash win
Solidarity is a lot more complicated because it means accepting that other people aren't the same and finding ways to communicate and work together as you go.
Solidarity is a lot messier and more complicated. It takes humility and involves uncertainty and risk. But it's where all the hope for better is.
I have always thought of our nation's motto, “E pluribus unum”, (out of many, one), as a statement of solidarity, disparate individuals and groups sharing an objective in common coming together in strength.
All we need to be is solid on stuff like no kings and powers separation.
401k savers ("my portfolio") and "good billionaires" only know solidarity as something that interferes with stock prices.
But the people you're talking about are the followers. Not the leaders and the drivers. It comes from the top.
Acting without thinking isn't a good idea.
Refusing to criticise the fascists while going on and on about how great they are at politics is what democrats are already doing.
I'd suggest that criticising the right is a whole lot more powerful if you have a clear alternative vision to point to, and I don't see much of that right now.
Solidarity is missing. White folks need to get it, QUICK.