they said people with ADHD are "another sort of human" not that aren't human. and granted that is still an extremely iffy thing to say, but from context they seem to mean it positively in a neurodivergent sort of way
they probably misread or misunderstood your comment. but for the record i found your response to them to be pretty rude. they likely would have been fine if you'd explained or rephrased your point instead of being snippy
"you seemed". I did not seem. End of discussion.
"just another form of human", like tall or short or blue eyes or brown eyes
I stand by my aggressive and not rude response, that you can see I do not use with everyone.
And i muted them; if you go check their replies you will find them telling people to "fuck off". Who's rude?
They're all people things.
A negative perception of disability can make people assume it's positive or helpful to tell people they're not disabled. But it generally isn't.