2. small shipments on the individual have generally been able to be declared as de minimis
3. de minimis is essentially most things valued under $800 was able to be classified under a duty free rate
3. de minimis is essentially most things valued under $800 was able to be classified under a duty free rate
5. de minimis packages were able to bypass the 25% and we'd owe $0
6. the new +10% increase isn't just 10% because now de minimis is revoked from all CN imports
8. you will owe a minimum of 35% on every import from China
hts code: 3926.40.90
base duty rate: 5.3%
section 301: 25%
new law: 10%
duty owed on a $100 order of acrylic charms =
$100 x (5.3% + 25% + 10%) = $40.30
other shipping companies will have to employ a large brokerage team
currently almost no one is classifying small packages correctly
if a company has to classify items? brokerage fee.