I initially focused on the, for lack of a better phrase, era appropriation, but that accepts that the only era that's yours is when you're in your teens and twenties and not the entirety of the time you spend engaging with culture, however old you are at that time.
the crazy thing is rather than say "oops, lol" she deleted it because any crack in the facade is unbearable, their narcissism needs to be fed at all times, when it doesn't get fed they feel so much shame
you can't reason with someone that ignorant cuz any exposure to facts or accountability they just get scared and go right into fight/flight and the right brain is out of the picture, yikes
The replace the O with A thing was really big over the last three months on social media like instagram to drive engagement. It makes zero sense but people would comment on it that it doesn't make any sense thus driving engagement.
I cannot express in human words how old I felt when on Gumball his parents were explaining life when they first got married and his father was wearing a Nirvana shirt in the flashback
If these right wing provocateurs fail, it will be because the ones who aren't regrouping and doing damage control are the true believers, and the true believers really are airheads. They're not sending their best.
This kind of public stupidity is vitally linked to her success. "Chaya Raichik" and "people who think before posting" are very lonely Venn circles that will never meet.
I drew the flyer for the 91 Iguanas Show with Tad, Nirvana and Fishwife along with marquee art for several other shows at that time in San Diego. This literally is my era, wow just wow
I know people are dumbfounded that someone her age might say something like that, but chances are most of this crap is written for her.
I find it unlikely she's a one-person show.
So she tweets literal hate crimes resulting in bomb threats and murders and holds the line, but one dumb and wrong Nirvana joke spooks her enough into deleting. Man the internet is weird.
this is the part that made me throw up ngl
All I wanna do is Zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom and a boom boom.
That spell it out for ya??
My taste in music is older than she is. FFS.
the instinct to police people who don't confirm her narrow, bigoted biases is strooooOOoOooong with this one
But then I see something like this and feel better about myself.
Here we are now, entertain us 😁
is that it would be a great straight faced dead pan joke
Praying 🙏
...but hamster is dead.
I find it unlikely she's a one-person show.
Lol lmao