BOOM - don't ever for a second believe your voice doesn't matter and is not effective to fight these monsters.
Thank you to the tens of thousands of letters you sent to stop this child sex predator from becoming the top law enforcement officer in the entire country.
Thank you to the tens of thousands of letters you sent to stop this child sex predator from becoming the top law enforcement officer in the entire country.
Gaetz was never a serious contender, it was only a “get out of jail free” card played by Trump to assist with squashing any investigative report going mainstream & any repercussions from it just like Alexander Acosta buried Epstein’s indictment.
Are we really this dumb?
He’s not going to be AG or my congressman any longer?
That’s a good old fashioned “win-win!”
And keep on making noise over all these anti-government appointees. Make sure congress knows we’re not going to quietly submit.