The fullness of his bladder was impossible to ignore now, making it impossible to focus on anything else. Every second dripped by like cold molasses, trying not to piss in his pants the only thought on Wcc’s mind. (15/27)
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He lasted another three minutes before another spasm caused him to leak again, a panicked sob escaping his lips as he looked down to see a wet spot the size of his palm appearing on his sweats. He couldn’t stop squirming under yec panting as he tried to hold himself together. (16/27)
Wcc looked up at yec, confusion swimming in his now teary eyes. Then he realized, humiliation burning hot in his gut. “Here?” Wcc’s voice was no more than a wobbly whisper. Yec’s lips turned up at the corners in a deceptively sweet smile. “No- I can’t! Not here, please Scngie let me go!” (18/27)
Yec’s smile disappeared. “Oh? After I so nicely gave you permission? I guess you don’t have to go that badly after all, Ycngie.” Wcc let out a helpless whimper, feeling himself dribble yet again as his desperation reached its peak. He was barely holding on. “I do! (19/27)
I really do have to go Scngie please!” He hiccuped, tears clumping along his lash line. “Then you can go here, or not at all.” Yec hummed, choosing that moment to grind his hips down into Wcc’s lower stomach. (20/27)
A hot spurt of piss shot out from the tip of his cock at the action, making Wcc cry out as he desperately tried to regain control. The stream stopping much slower this time, weakening to a dribble before stopping. (21/27)
“Then go.” He spoke simply. Wcc could have cried from relief but it was short lived when yec showed no signs of moving out of Wcc’s lap. (17/27)