Season 2: Buddy Holly strumming his guitar & singing “Everyday it’s getting closer”
Season 3: Phil Collins banging the drums & wailing “I CAN FEEL IT COMING IN THE AIR TONIGHT, OH LORD, OH LORD”
You don't need to sell it to me, I'm all in. I may time it so I can watch the previous two with my daughter before the third comes out. My son is curious about it too, but at 7, I think he's a bit on the young side.
If you could have added any three songs to Muriel's playlist and the playlist for Gabriel x Beelzebub, what would you have picked? Especially curious about the latter. I do recall you mentioning that After Hours by The Velvet Underground was a good song for Beelzebub specifically.
Thank you. But ow.
Season 3: Phil Collins banging the drums & wailing “I CAN FEEL IT COMING IN THE AIR TONIGHT, OH LORD, OH LORD”