Diagnosed with ADHD, and this is super relatable. The worst part is the guilt - you know you should do something, but despite trying, you just can't.
Reposted from
Avi Henriques π©Έ
Sorry to steal from Tumblr but this is so accurate it actually made me cry. The "paralysis of will" described here is the most painful symptom of my ADHD.
And yeah, a diagnosis helped me a lot.
If someone hassles you about not finishing something early, just ask, "Do you want to move up the deadline?" Make them decide rather than making you guess.
Even if you don't have a diagnosis, you can still experiment with things to improve your life.
So it's not just my laziness.
I'm just stunlocked by my brain and the fact that my body won't actually listen to me when I need to do something might just be that.
Fuuuuuck, another thing to try and talk to my psychiatrist and therapist about. this suuuuuucks.
I wanna get past it so bad.
Nahh, I just need that random thing that triggers a boost of motivation or a deadline pressure to actually move my butt to do work that I need to do that my brain keeps saying I need to do. Can't be adhdπ
(I don't want to misdiagnose myself)