Yes, a loving God wouldn't let sweet, innocent children die of cancer, starvation, or be blown apart by guns in school or in war - while protecting rapists, criminals, hate filled men and women who are craven, corrupt degenerates!
But there's always an excuse.
Didn't pray hard enough
God needs more angels in heaven
Faith is proven if you still believe thru hardship
Blah Blah Woof Woof
The one I hate the most after my husband died, he's in a better place. BS, he belonged with me. The other one, God doesn't give you more than you can handle. He gave me more than enough & I barely handled it. Sometimes I felt like my world was crashing & he wasn't there to pick up the pieces.
Agreed... In the past i used to think that if god existed, all would be better... Though, the moment i realized this 👇 I no longer think that. If god existed, it would be a cruel psycho, just like you say. God is everything except for good, and ppl worshipping it are hypocrites.
I'm perfectly okay with not knowing if a god exists or not. A creator still might exist, or the 'creator' could be something simple like a source of energy, the energy that is used to create new life, new planets, solar systems, etc. A sort of spring, if you will. However, until science can come up
with a way to quantify the qualities/attributes of a god or a creator, I'm perfectly capable of living a good ethical life without any spiritual guidance. But there are humans who need their belief, because they need the hope it gives them, and others for the hell it promises if they're bad.
Absolutely. They prevent learning & developing logic, reason and critical thinking. I dare say they maybe even kill empathy instead of creating it. Not to mention, ppl whose minds operate on faith might be dangerous.
The existence of suffering makes me think that there simply isn't any higher power caring about us.
But there's always an excuse.
Didn't pray hard enough
God needs more angels in heaven
Faith is proven if you still believe thru hardship
Blah Blah Woof Woof
They prevent learning.