I 2nd your Fuck you to Marco
Rubio!!! Dr. Jack Brown!!! It’s
Funny How people change to
A 180 from 10 years ago? He
Sold his Soul to the Devil 😈
For a Fucking Job!!
I stand with the American people and I stand with the Ukrainian people f*** Russia and f*** his assets and agents. Their day is going to be very short f****** lived coming up soon. And we owe Russia a war they have woken the sleeping giant because as soon as everybody else knows the truth it's on
This is the United States government, NOT the United States people. I for one will never side with Russia over Europe. Fuck you. You can’t shift the moral compass of an entire country to your Nazi whim.
Do you think the majority of Americans are just going to drop the way they’ve lived their lives for 60 years and say yeah Putin’s great take our Social Security take our Medicaid?
The time for resistance is already over. By the time the Agenda 2025 came into focus, Dem states needed to make plans B for secession and make clear that it would happen between Nov.5 and Jan.20 while Biden was still in office.
Not voluntarily. Buy with unlimited brutality you can do anything. When AI profiles you in ways that you can't ever get a job, can't get health insurance, can't rent/buy a home, can't get a loan/investment, have the military stand by to bomb you into submission...
The means of today go well beyond Gestapo measures. The soft glove of total unplugging is much more terrifying. Think of the expulsion from your tribe practiced by Native Americans...
You'll live like an animal.
Unfortunately, the Orange Rapist's MAGA culture war is going to align with Putin's anti-LGBT+, journalist-murdering, war-of-aggression, war-crimes-including-mass-rape, genocidal-war regime, over countries that support democratic principles.
The F***Y** goes to the whole Admin. Will not protect, fight in any way for this embarrassment that is in the House. Refuse to call it the W****H**** till the Mad King is gone!
As an American I approve of ending a war that the west started with the Euromaidan in an effort to destabilize Ukraine and install a more western friendly leader…
Change it to Putin. A democratic Russia could be a wonderful ally of both the US and EU.
The Russian economy is devastated at the moment and were it not for Durak Donnie saving him, there is no way Putin would last through 2026.
We are subsidizing Russia.
Putin wants Kiev, then Poland, then the Balkans and we will NOT allow orange blob and the blobettes to side w Putin against Europe.
We call our Republicans in House and Senate and make it known that we demand they start Growing A Spine, Speak Up and Speak Out. And they need to do it sooon!
I read somewhere that he wants all of Europe. Everything. Psychopathic dictators don't know the word "Enough". They thrive on chaos and destruction. Scary.
THIS eteran stands with Ukraine. I no longer stand with the country I served. They took away MY body autonomy and right to vote and think I would support it.....FUCK THAT!
..And all it took in the end was the worlds bigleyist narcissist, a blackmail tape and a few loans for golf courses and that kids is how the Soviet union won the cold war...
In 1994, Ukraine agreed to transfer these weapons to Russia and became a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in exchange for assurances from Russia, the United States and United Kingdom to respect the Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.
Putin is a WAR CRIMINAL. I do not stand with a leader who lets his soldiers rape and stab women and bombs children hospitals. Anyone who supports him is also a war criminal.
And fuck every moron who voted for these traitors while we all screamed at them that they were going to sell the US out to Putin. The regime needs to be overthrown, the tyrants tried for treason, and we need post WWII denazification for MAGA.
Peace without Ukraine is not peace—it’s a betrayal. Secret deals, backroom negotiations, and excluding the very nation under attack? This isn’t diplomacy. It’s a power play. Ukraine isn’t a bargaining chip. The world is watching. 🌗✨
Read more 👇 https://substack.com/profile/1852...
Even if you cared nothing about Ukraine, if this is allowed, I can't wait for the day the USA is invaded and the whole world will remember and sit back and let it happen.
Rubio is partly why I'm so over these #FAFO folks. Because they ALSO kept re-electing the very people who are instrumental in this attempted coup. People like Rubio, Cruz, Hawley, MTG, etc. And the GOP weren't even being discreet about it. Traitors, the whole lot of them!
Neville Chamberlain had lived through the horrors of WWI and misguidedly thought that appeasement would prevent another war. Marc Rubio is just a traitor and probably compromised like so many other Republicans.
It's ridiculous. These Republican tools think that Russia likes them. They're being used to fulfill Nikita's goal of destroying the United States from within.
So when do we queue in the Hamilton cast to start singing:
Cause when push comes to shove
I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love
Da-da-da, dat-da, dat, da-da-da, da-ya-da
Da-da, dat, dat, da-ya-da
There could be compromises made if these talks were real peace talks and all parties were involved including Ukraine, the EU and NATO. Otherwise it is an effort by Trump to sell and entire country down the drain and force them to become a Russian dominated facist satellite. Fuck Trump + Little Marco
Uh, there was this war... You know WW11...Otherwise, not so much, but that doesn't mean we need to fight WW3!! Let's try minding our on business and let Europe solve Europe's problems.
Thanks pal. I couldn't say it better. Rubio hated Trump in the early days ( see https://youtube.com for videos) but now licks Trump's ass. Little Marco Rubio indeed...
I caught that too. What common geopolitical interests do we have with Russia and Putin? The destabilization of western democracies? Annexing Ukraine? Invading Poland? Rubio is a useless cuck stooge
Absolutely right. Good people have no common interests with Putin and his regime. NONE! Putin is a monster. And so is Trump. Pure evil, both of them. Anyone helping them will go down in history accordingly.
Some ppl call the bible a great work of fiction. One tenant rings true to me. There is an omnipotent God. The Co equal is a devil. There was an anti christ. It was said, a 3rd one would come to destroy the world. I truly blve that 3rd one is trump. His actions are pure evil. He has no heart or soul
You give him too much credit. He is a weak puppet that does what a group of people tell him. He cares nothing of the path or outcome as long as he is seen as powerful.
I was telling my best friend recently, if Trump stood up at the podium and announced that he is actually Satan, I think that would be the least surprising thing he’s said. I feel like I would just nod and go about my day.
I’m not religious, but he clearly fits the mold. If Satan were to come and try to destroy the world, I feel like his agenda and approach would be very similar to Trump’s. Turning everyone against each other, causing misery and suffering, encouraging hatred and meanness…I could go on and on. It fits.
Another thing I think Trump and MAGA and super conservative Christians have done is make Christians look TERRIBLE!!! You can’t support someone like Trump and then go back to preaching Jesus’ message.
Making Christianity look bad is also something Satan would strive to do, I’d imagine.
Trump’s latest comments, blaming Ukraine for the war, has immediately emboldened Russia. The attacking of Odesa today shows that they have no intention of stopping their violent behaviour. Russia now believes, perhaps accurately, that the USA is now a compliant vassal state 🥴
There's no reason to be vile. It makes us just sink to their level and look bitter over the loss. I honestly don't care of its a Dem or Rep that brings peace between Russia and Ukraine. It needs to be done and has gone on too long. And let's face it, Putin wasn't scared of Biden.
Rubio is a snake in the grass. A groveling small little. Pushing trumps criminal agenda. Not even true to his own self. He couldn't even get enough votes to be put on all the states prez ballots.
No one has fought in any war in our country thinking we have common interests with Russia. If they believe this they can get out of our country and move to Russia. Let's see how many brain dead people will believe him.
I mean, if you want I'll tag him in on this so he gets it or, pass it along his way?
Here to encourage, get your truth to power on. Use tags. At sites those people are at.
Rubio!!! Dr. Jack Brown!!! It’s
Funny How people change to
A 180 from 10 years ago? He
Sold his Soul to the Devil 😈
For a Fucking Job!!
Fuck them all!!!
Frank Zappa
Went to Poland and dicked around at Auschwitz..
Sorry, there ARE Nazis in Ukraine. And they are not wearing Russian uniforms…
They have Nazi symbols on their uniforms.
The Biden state department would have turned a blind eye to Hitler himself if he were leading Ukraine.
You'll live like an animal.
Ukraine is destabilized. Happy now?
The Russian economy is devastated at the moment and were it not for Durak Donnie saving him, there is no way Putin would last through 2026.
We are subsidizing Russia.
pure malice.
We call our Republicans in House and Senate and make it known that we demand they start Growing A Spine, Speak Up and Speak Out. And they need to do it sooon!
Trump and Rubio are historic assclowns.
Never in my life did I think we would be here.
#TrumpIsWeak #TrumpCantMakeADeal
Read more 👇
seems like a lifetime ago
#uspolitics #ukraine #russia #war #NATO
(Some of my own posts shock me these days)
Cause when push comes to shove
I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love
Da-da-da, dat-da, dat, da-da-da, da-ya-da
Da-da, dat, dat, da-ya-da
F U CK RUBIO that cowardly little shit and Donnie Diaper for sucking Putie's cock
Just wait till you find out that the US is doing this to Ukraine as much as Russia is.
Making Christianity look bad is also something Satan would strive to do, I’d imagine.