Musk appears to pull up his pants as Trump says, "... and we are just getting started". This is an alpha up-regulator (Musk feels off his game in this moment, and is trying to re-assert his confidence) #SOTU #BodyLanguageExpert #BodyLanguage
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I always take a 2nd look at photos of #Musky, bc I'm sure I see a Monolid above his eyes! He's made such a Disgusting LIE @ SoAfrican White Farmers being harmed bc #Aparthied Ended! when Black SoAfricans make up 80% of SA population! When I was a Girl Scout Leader we had a Taiwanese-American girl in
our Jr High #CadetteTroop. We always went to the SD #MiramarAirShow to sell #AirShowPrograms; we earned lots of $$$ for the GirlScouts. We saved the $$ for the Troop to go to GS Camp or a Summer Trip. But ONE Time when Heidi First went with us she #DidNotWearAHatOrSunglasses... I did Not Know Asians
who had #Monolids or a #PartialEyelidCrease were in Danger of having their #EyeballsSunburned. I kept reminding the Girls to put Sunscreen on, but I didn't realize Heidi needed a hat (which they were to bring with them bc they were on Black Asphalt!) We spent time in the #FirstAidStation & then back
at our Campsite at a Park on #MirarmarNAS. My hub & 2 Co-Leaders were supervising the rest of our #GirlScouts. Heidi (her picked American name bc Heidi said her Asian name was too difficult to pronounce!) Her dad was a renowned BioMed Prof at LLUMC & I felt awful to take Heidi home injured. So this
#Monolid on Elon surprises me when I see a close up photo of him, bc he's so unrepentantly White Supremacist; & he hangs with those cretins. Most Googled Entries SAY #MuskHasNOAsianDNA, but I've Seen where he has #IndonesianDNA from past Relatives. I'm very surprised he's Never Had #Blepharoplasty
Are YOU A Body Language Expert? I sincerely doubt you are. What did you get your Degree In, hmmm. I will tell WHO IS A #BodyLanguageExpert= and He Had #VERYInteresting INFO He Shared Tonight About JD, Donald & Musk tonight...
He's not in his usual costume. Without the hat and shades to hide behind he must feel exposed. No t-shirt proclaiming who he is or that he doesn't have to conform to standards.
That child is just as evil as his father.
His latest broodmare chattel finally let the cat out of the bag.
Gods he was *pissed* when one of his smartest kids turned out to be trans. She is a fucking delight— because she wasn’t raised by him.
Interesting. BOTH Musk and Vance. Hmm...