Musk displaying a variation of a low steeple (low conventional steeple). This is a forced (posed) body language display. It's an affectation. He's trying to appear hyper-alpha/hyper-confident, but it's a forced behavior. It's an attempt at/an analog of method acting. #BodyLanguageExpert #SOTU
No fucking way...
you can't really feel your body, can easily stretch too far and its possible to get stuck at/go beyond physical edge limits like bending fingers tearing muscles from not receiving pain signals
And here’s the steeple
Open the doors
And fuck maga people.
Well waking up to fight again tomorrow
Might he be doing to it in an attempt to convince himself that's he's still in control of the situation?
For putin.
HE is the one who is in the Oval Office, Airforce One etc with trump 24/7. For putin.
HE is the one dismantling the USA with his gang.
For putin.
HE is the one who -via trump- will hand over Ukraine.
To putin.
Nah, just a coincidence.
Notice how desperate his date is to have him even look at her. I didn't see him do so once. They surround themselves with insecure women to help their own ego's.
Report all dissociation and delusion symptoms to HR.