We have been doing that since Obama, so, 20 years? It hasn't worked and just moved the Overton window. Turns out, discussion about if hate is ok makes it ok. We will win by denying their ideology, not sleeping next to it.
I think you're mistaken. We've been trying to deplatform and their ideology has just spread underground as a result. They're all over Facebook now. They have to be refuted publicly.
The suggestible aren't hearing our arguments in their bubble, and it's either argument or power struggle.
All over FB, the entire Twitter ecosystem, Fox and Newsmax.... I wouldn't call that deplatformed or underground. And these are the same discussions we had about "illegal aliens", which was Reicht framing, or Welfare Queens, or "bailouts", and on and on. When we adopt their framing, we lose.
That's their bubble. The only time they hear anything other than that is when Pete Buttigieg or Bernie Sanders etc. goes on those programs. They're not going away. Either fight them with words or fight them with bullets.
The way we win, and why we didn't this time, is by going even harder to the Left and giving people tangible things to believe in. Like medicare for all, and protections for marginalized groups. You don't beat hate by speaking to it, you beat it by doing the opposite.
I agree with you on going to the left. But their people need to hear us and they are not going to hear us unless we engage their leaders. We are losing. Words or bullets. Bernie Sanders did well on Fox News. It's probably the only time they heard him.
If Newsom pulls a John Stewart on Bannon I say more power to him. And even John Stewart invited Musk onto The Daily Show. I love seeing a Nazi take down.
Keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer, or...to beat 'em you gotta meet 'em. Either way it works. As someone once said "the genius of the Republican Party was their ability to people to vote against their own self interest".
How do you think that happened?
He had a friendly chat with White Nationalist Charlie Kirk, and I think he's going to have Steve Bannon on his podcast, too. When talking to Charlie Kkkirk, Gavin basically said trans people are a problem and he cares about fairness, and didn't push back on a lot of other shitty stuff.
Tbh, I listened to his Charlie Kirk one. I only know that kid by name. It gave me a better idea about his rhetoric. Made me see where Dems had gaps. I don’t have to agree with the guest—but, understanding what other people are thinking and believing gives perspective.
He's tacking Reicht to set up a presidential run, but he's going to lose in the primary because of this bullshit. I've lived in his district and met him, this disgusting grab for power is disappointing but not surprising. Corporate Dems are almost as bad as Nazis.
It’s disappointing isn’t it? I have been advocating for him for such a long time; I gathered a ‘smallish group’ together to support him. We are tiny blue dots in a huge red area.
When this happened they all turned on him! I personally don’t want to give up, but I am still disappointed.
No, but when my girlfriend was complaining that Biden was too old to run a second term I was secretly hoping that Gavin would run. Not that I was upset to hear about Kamala. I’m glad he waited and I hope he runs in 2028.
Please take the time to listen to these podcasts.
We will never win another election if we don’t make good use of the feedback from the other side.
We don’t have to give up our morals.
Not just speak w liberals Dems
We need to talk to Americans about what’s on their minds.
We need to get the votes.
Kirk talked about our election loss in specific statistical detail: our messaging problem, our elitism stems from how our college educated base suffers from paradigms. We ignored young men, botched trans messaging.
Kirk provided a window into the right wing strategy&what voters care about.
The gullible won’t hear counterarguments inside their bubble.
Like the suffragettes - if an opponent speaks, it's an opportunity to refute them.
The suggestible aren't hearing our arguments in their bubble, and it's either argument or power struggle.
Those people are not hearing our message.
How do you think that happened?
Until you can’t anymore.
Nothing good comes from trying to rationalize with them.
When this happened they all turned on him! I personally don’t want to give up, but I am still disappointed.
He has a lot of haters in the party, though.
We will never win another election if we don’t make good use of the feedback from the other side.
We don’t have to give up our morals.
Not just speak w liberals Dems
We need to talk to Americans about what’s on their minds.
We need to get the votes.
The Democratic purity tests must stop. We can't turn our backs on Gavin, he might be the witty TV personality we need for 2028.
Kirk provided a window into the right wing strategy&what voters care about.
I am pretty clear on what 'the other side' believes, thinks and wants.
If he 'illuminated' that for you then I am not sure where you have been.