All white people are the descendants of the people who were able to survive the winter by eating partially spoiled foods. Or at least the folks who could tell the difference between spoiled and fungally and bacterially “enhanced”
Huh. I read that three times before I read "overestimated". I kept reading "under..." and was quite excited to check out the ensuing thread in which I anticipated a spirited discussion about, ahem, counter top cultures.
There is a definite flattening of European ethnicity in the U.S. I’ve been watching the twilight of Czech culture in Chicago with a lot of sadness. When I was a kid, there was practically a Bohemian restaurant on every corner and now there are two in the entire Chicago area.
My kids (who are half Slavic, half Mexican), experience their Slavic side primarily through potica and plum dumplings and the latter are only available if we make them ourselves and I fear that we’re heading their for the former as there’s only one bakery in Chicago that still sells it.
Anecdotally, I’m not the only Bohak to marry a Mexican from my generation, so it would seem a possibility, but the ingredients are so different, I have a hard time envisioning it. The one exception was when my wife used leftover plum dumpling dough to make guayaba dumplings (which were good).
*shrivels in dead Bri'ish Empire*
My first thought: Yoghurt is not European, but with Botulism you got me, honey! 🍄🟫🍄