I simply worry! We've both the tendency to push ourselves.
Besides. Someone must remind you to drink water and assist you cleaning up after... satisfying the Great Wyrm, so to speak. I would like it to be me.
If that is not too presumptuous.
Besides. Someone must remind you to drink water and assist you cleaning up after... satisfying the Great Wyrm, so to speak. I would like it to be me.
If that is not too presumptuous.
[ ♡ ]
Though aiding in the... brood process is not something I would enjoy, I may change my mind about the... pleasurable side of things.
Ah! Yes. Quite right. Mmhmm.
[He fidgets with his fingers]
I am sorry. For getting ahead of myself.
I know I cannot give that sort of love easily. So long as you are happy, I would support you seeking it elsewhere.