It's really quite fascinating how deranged liberals can be on this platform. Their party has been continually capitulating to the right and simultaneously not providing any actual policy positions. Then they have the audacity to blame people with actual morals for not electing their candidates.
I’m not sure if you remember, but conservatives used to use “bleeding heart” as a pejorative before “liberal.”
Responses like that make it clear just how far to the right things have shifted—and why that label no longer even applies. I guess they don’t need to worry about bleeding if they lack a ❤️
Used to be people with that attitude towards the poor were GOP. If he thinks you have to be wealthy to not be a loser, he really should be a fan of Trump.
Responses like that make it clear just how far to the right things have shifted—and why that label no longer even applies. I guess they don’t need to worry about bleeding if they lack a ❤️