I have followed sports for 65 years and I can say with complete confidence that the NBA officials are the worst officials by a million miles.They are just bad. I have screamed this into the nights forever.They predetermined which players (stars/superstars) get all the calls.They hold grudges.
They decide which rules to enforce or not enforce ie travelling! They decide on a call before it happens, not waiting to see what really occurs. I get that refereeing a basketball game is difficult,I’ve done it but for God’s sake they need to be better.The NBA is a multi billion $$ business.
NBA coaches and players show tremendous self restraint. I don’t know how someone hasn’t physically harmed an official.They are arrogant and incompetence on a nightly basis, where mistakes change outcomes, careers and championships. This makes it a very explosive situation. THEY NEED TO IMPROVE!
Doesn’t that remind you of Darko’s superb rant last season after one of the games involving my Raptors and the Lakers ? Darko was right all along. The NBA has done ZERO since then to fix this.