Elon is not a scientist he is a tech-bro. And, at best he is a wannabe NAZI. I don’t think he is a fighter; my understanding of his past he was a kick boy not a fighter. He will pay a high price for that move
Impossible to be completely prepared. But we must learn quickly, and (among other things) do our best to show Americans what Republicans DO and DO NOT stand for. We need to do a better job.
The way you complained about people protesting the genocide for months? Come on man. At best you are Zionist adjacent. So many of us stopped listening to you and Pakman because you REFUSED to acknowledge it. The whole international community knows its for real.
I’ve openly called the horrors in Gaza a genocide from the beginning. Find a specific thing I’ve ever said that backs up your nonsense. Unfuck yourself.
Oh and to be clear Jesse, I was subbed to your channel, I remember clearly watching your vids, agreeing with most of your takes, then after Netanyahu began his campaign I was hit with material that prompted me to passionately unsub, and it was how you were talking about protestors.
You want me to dig through your videos and find the ones where you lambasted protestors? Sure when I have an extra few hours. It was around the same time Michael Rappaport was popping off. Oh, and Pakman? Blocked me for politely pushing him to admit there even IS a genocide.
Took me no time at all to find one of the many dozens of instances of me talking about the war in Gaza as a genocide. I won’t hold my breath for you admitting that you’re fucking wrong.
It's like the Germany in the thirties, and the MAGA cult crowd seems to love it...
Nothing to discuss here, just tell it for what it is: a nazi salute!