Space obsessed as a kid and discovered I like astrology more than astronomy. Got played tho, I was trying to avoid math and nerds. XD They're both everywhere so just stuck it out. XD
as a way to give myself a more complex set of symbols with which to express my own internal experience and my magical practice. planetary stuff has been a part of my work for a long time, so it was sort of a logical progression (and also... cmon talismans are so swag I HAD TO)
it was about understanding those ancient conflicts within myself, funny to speak this way, but astro has beem a great journey far. keep learning, always!
The literal process was I was writing poetry at the time and wanted my references to celestial bodies to be more sound. I ended up falling in love with the symbology, couldn’t stop going deeper into my research, and then took entirely to the mathematical bases of the system of astrology.
It’s v poetic that it came from a place of devotional writing and it became the place where I place my devotion now 😭💓 been spiritual all my life and couldn’t find “my place” until I studied Hellenistic astrology
In January or February 2019 when I had given up hope for having a child, a prominent astrologer talked about favorable outcomes for Libras in fertility at that time.
I found out I was finally pregnant in March of that year, and spent my entire next 5 years being fascinated by transits.
At first I was attracted by the subdivision of the zodiac into 12 signs because I love categorizing things and people. Then I discovered that it was such a symmetrical and intricate system with many more subdivisions so I became passionate! It definitely helped me make sense of things too
initially i felt it could "see" me more accurately and objectively than i could ever see myself. as soon as i learned that it isn't just personality analysis but that it's capable of predicting actual, concrete events, i felt like i had a cheat code to the universe
I felt constantly misunderstood and was trying to find words to define myself for myself, since everyone else's takes were Big Wrong (8th House Sun; out of sect benefic chart ruler in the 7th)
I remember being too young too understand everything ☺️
I found out I was finally pregnant in March of that year, and spent my entire next 5 years being fascinated by transits.
initially i felt it could "see" me more accurately and objectively than i could ever see myself. as soon as i learned that it isn't just personality analysis but that it's capable of predicting actual, concrete events, i felt like i had a cheat code to the universe