New Fiscal Reference Tables dropped in December 2024. Gonna whip up a chart this afternoon!
Shirley--did the 1935 King Liberals run on a big income tax increase? Looks like a pretty massive revenue jump in income taxes in 1934-1936. +50% in two years.
1933 56
1934 61
1935 76
1936 94
1937 110
1938 132
1939 123
1940 236
1941 482
1942 832
1943 1009
The investment surtax generated about 50% increase in tax on an income of $100k. Incomes over $50k generated about 50% of PIT revenue. So that surtax prob did a lot. +
Crossover year is 1935; first year of new King government.
Historical Statistics of Canada
Fiscal Reference Tables
What happened in 1952? 🤔
Assuming the U.S. experience is similar(?), explains Trump’s “Golden Age” talk when, among other things, tariffs instead of personal and corporate taxes funded government.
It stopped being broken out separately in 1975.