It would appear that Trump intends to rob the Justice Dept. and the FBI of all institutional knowledge of Trumps crimes. This has the added benefit of Trump to resuming his march toward Empire.
Reminds me of a book called: The Bully, The Bullied and The Bystander by Barbara Coloroso.
Except it was to help parents with their children.
Now there is a child in the White House.
Facebook got reall shitty with me over that "Quote." Werner didn't actually say it, but it's more than true enough. #FuckFacebook. I was very careful not to attribute it to him, but they shit all of the whole post, just to make it look like the whole post was false. #DoNotObeyInAdvance #Resist
Why? Because unless you live in a "swing stars", your vote has zero impact.
Voter's did not design the system.
We are simply victims of the duopoly.
Regardless, any inability to attract votes- is always a candidate issue.
Now I block at first whiff 🛑✋🏼
Consider likely Trump intends to be an emperor.
In literary terms Trump has crossed the Rubicon.
Except it was to help parents with their children.
Now there is a child in the White House.