Not to mention—part of Project 2025 is an outright ban of “pornography,” which, I’m assuming will include even the most artful and Edenic of nudity, as far as the commercial internet is concerned.
They’re traveling the world because this kind of work is dying/dead in America. Younger generations of men do not know how to view women without objectifying them beyond what is “typical,” nor do they know how to parse nudity from sexuality, or sexuality from exploitability. Art is dead in the US.
Perhaps. I think your assertions about men are correct. From my point of view, there’s plenty of work going on in the U.S., just not near me, and I can’t pay to bring it here.
I hope you’re right about that; my biggest fear is an outright ban on this sort of thing, but I also think economic downturn has made it difficult for many hobbyists and even professionals to keep creating the work they want to create. I am sorry your own work has been impacted.