1. Blood and Smoke: A True Tale of Mystery, Mayhem and the Birth of the Indy 500 by Charles Leerhsen
I really like this book. I think it’s really engaging and he does a really good job of introducing the who is who of early American motorsport and early Indy 500 history
I really like this book. I think it’s really engaging and he does a really good job of introducing the who is who of early American motorsport and early Indy 500 history
I have SO many thoughts about this book but it was INCREDIBLY eye opening and really helped formed the main lens I view motorsport history in
Trying to sum Ralph DePalma’s career into a book that isn’t a million pages long is a tall order but Doyle does so concisely. Super well researched, it’s a must read in my book
The only (that I know about) memoir of a driver from the early-ish days of AOWR. But also, Pete is kind of hilarious so it’s an entertaining read.
Come for the historical perspective, stay for the way he roasts Kelly Petillo 💀
To truly understand American motorsport is to know and understand Barney Oldfield’s life, career and impact.
Mark Dill has two books: ‘The Legend of the First Super Speedway’ and ‘The Master Driver of the World’ which I think are *technically* classed as historical fiction but very well researched and probably as close to truth as possible