Can anyone help with another Doctor Who question that my thesis is 'hanging' on? 😉
What is it that Merak falls down, and ends up in, during The Armageddon Factor part 4? Is there anything in the script that suggests an answer? He's on Atrios (?) but the trippy realisation doesn't help.
What is it that Merak falls down, and ends up in, during The Armageddon Factor part 4? Is there anything in the script that suggests an answer? He's on Atrios (?) but the trippy realisation doesn't help.
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He's on Zeos both when he falls, and when he's reunited with Astra.
Yet, it looks like the so called 'Planet of Evil' where he ends up.
So perhaps it's an illusion to keep Astra seen as innocent???
I'd always assumed it was a weird hole in the ground/trans-mat landmine/oubliette.
The red shape that attracts K9 is equally bonkers.
Yes to the K9 lure - I always like the unexplained!
Was there anything elsewhere that suggests the pit where he ends up?
"Dark hole" seems to be the gist of it!
Thank you again David.