They couldn't let him live because Rastakhan would've been him hunting down the Champion for marriage and a honeymoon they will NOT be hearthing away from. I fully believe he was into it
Truly like they realized they would have to make the Horde champion the next ruler of Zandalar by marriage, and they couldn't do that so they had to kill him off. When you make a character so powerful, the writers have to off him before he takes over the plot
Can you imagine Sylvanas asking for a report and Nathanos is gritting his teeth while handing her an invitation to the wedding. Like we know the Champion is TOO good at their job sometimes but this is ridiculous 😭😭😭
You are clicking on him to elicit these lines, and in the Blizzard playbook, that is your character poking or touching him. And they mean exactly what he's saying. xD ESPECIALLY that last one. The King is under the impression your character wants to, you know... 😏
"In a fight, right?"
"........ >:3"