People saying Undermine doesn't belong in WoW are ??? We've had goblin cities forever, we've also had cars and fast food and trash and "modern" stuff all the way in WotLK, this one is just a huge, really well made city.
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Wait.. there are people claiming it DOESN'T belong in WoW? The capitol mentioned for over 20 years, or one of the base races in the game since, if I recall, Warcraft 2?! The fact that we got it this late, is insanity, but great to see a version off it nonetheless! It fits where it should!
When people say Undermine doesn't "belong in WoW", it obviously means it doesn't belong in THEIR ideal version of WoW. A made up daydream that is just badass action with none of those "stupid, ugly joke races" to ruin their epic fantasy.
People who don't know how to embrace all of the setting.
I would never say that it doesn’t belong. The only thing I think I’ve ever said that is kinda related is how I wish that WoW had stayed mostly to steampunk levels of tech like they did up unto Warcraft 3. The tech is becoming so advanced now that I wonder why it’s not more widespread.
I agree, but I am willing to suspend my disbelief on why the tech hasn't become the status quo. Unlike our world, Azeroth consists of races and cultures that have massively varied ways of handling tech and magic in their own ways, from arcane, to fel, to the light. Unlike us, they have alternatives.
That isn't to say that the regular folk shouldn't have tech, but that also leads to another point. Infrastructure. Goblins and Gnomes have researched tech for centuries, while it is a relatively new thing to other races, meaning they may not even have a way to implement things like hotrods on a whim
The meta reason of course is that if everyone had Goblin/Gnome tech, we'd be looking at a very Shadowrun-esque World of Warcraft, which would be rad as HELL, but would also make the world very monotone, which none of us want.
A lot of the other cultures have implemented goblin and gnome technology in their means of transportation and military tech, zeppelins, flying warships, goblin tech in only 3 or so years industrialized half of Draenor under Blackhands leadership, Garrosh made most of his war machines with it, etc
If they want their super serious high budget action fantasy movie-esque game with humans and elves then they can have like 90% of WoW. Let us have this.
i remember when mop came out people were saying the same thing about pandaren even though they were in the original warcraft games. some people think wow should just be orcs and humans fighting in medieval style lands forever
They also got mad about Blood Elves not being Alliance because literally they thought Elves were too pretty to be Horde and that somehow ruined things for everyone.
The concept of an essentially “untouched” goblin city like Undermine is also fascinating because it’s the purest form of unfiltered goblin culture we’ve gotten since the starting zone.
Goblins have been part of WoW since inception and always been characterized this way, Undermine was overdue.
I quit WoW because I didn't think Pandaren fit in my super cool grimdark game and I was literally 14 years old in middle school 💀 it's normal for me to be edgy, but not as a full grown adult.
this game literally has a camera called 's.e.l.f.i.e.' like... that doesnt sound super medieval to me LOL. or like... anything with the gnomes, either, considering everything with them is robots and tech just like the goblins
I'd also like to just gesture towards Legion and Draenei xD. WoW is literally SCI FI! and fantasy. We've been to space! We have space ships! We have aliens! AAAAAAA!
We've had cars since vanilla! Look at the race track in what used to be thousand needles. WoW is a mixing pot of shenanigans.
Seriously. Goblins have had cars and roads since cata. And why else would goblins not have oil rigs all over the world if not to fuel their car and bike culture
Goblins are litrally have always been Blizzard's go to excuse for having more, "modern" stuff in their games.
And their asthetic works perfectly for wow!
People who say it doesnt belong in WoW, dont know WoW. Not only did we have tech fantasy with gnome/goblin units and buildings in the RTS games but vanilla WoW had friggin Gnomeregan....GNOMEREGAN!
not a fan of the sci fi aesthetic in general, i don't think the zone was ugly but i didn't vibe with the whole sterile looking machinery stuff. It felt oddly liminal, but I also didn't like 'knowing' too much about this side of WoW if that makes sense
If you look at early wow concept art, what us now Kezan was labelled Undermine and it was supposed to be a continent you could travel to? It's always been intended!
People who don't know how to embrace all of the setting.
Goblins have been part of WoW since inception and always been characterized this way, Undermine was overdue.
We've had cars since vanilla! Look at the race track in what used to be thousand needles. WoW is a mixing pot of shenanigans.
And their asthetic works perfectly for wow!
Too metaphysical too clean too high concept while also not matching the intention of the zone
When I remove it entirely from wow I can vibe and the music was nice
(Quietly same reason I don’t enjoy overly isolated Titan stuff in wow.)