Mars is no longer retrograde! (almost!)
This week on the 23rd we celebrate all planets moving direct until March 1. How are you using this moment of nothing holding us back to move your inspiration and goals forward?
Check your Rising Sign to see where you may feel this the most!
This week on the 23rd we celebrate all planets moving direct until March 1. How are you using this moment of nothing holding us back to move your inspiration and goals forward?
Check your Rising Sign to see where you may feel this the most!
Taurus: What investments are beginning to pay off in your time, relationships, energy, or funds?
Gemini: Who helps you see the big picture when you find yourself focused on the minutiae?
Leo: What kind of new hobbies or fun have you been leaning into lately?
Virgo: How might some pre-seasonal sprucing help your space feel refreshed and comfortable?
Scorpio: How are you diversifying your sources of abundance to feel more secure while having fun?
Sagittarius: How are you allowing yourself to sample the variety of life so you can feel free and fulfilled?
Aquarius: What circles of people help you feel most in touch with how you feel about things as well as what you think about them?