Weeeelllll it depends on the job you do, doesn't it. I dropped out of nerding, now look after people just out hospital. Kindness is 70% of the job but once in a while you have to just suck it up when someone is eg cantankerous and racist. Then the empathy dials down and 'nice' leads for a while.
there's a big difference between nice and kind. in new jersey, we're huge assholes who will laugh at you do something dumb, then help your ass out once you fall flat on your face.
being kind doesn't generally cost anything. i got super screwed when i moved to denver and having to deal with "nice" people who are just compulsive liars and not kind at all.
i run /r/southjersey and recently launched a south jersey discord because people forget we exist... or assume we're like north jersey? north and south both have their awesome parts. neither likes being lumped in with the airports.
It took me *years* to unlearn that passive-aggressive bullshit.
I come from the home of Betsy DeVos, where people are nice, but rarely kind.
(That's changing but good gods)