#bcalhelp #msdyn365bc
What are the design guidelines and design patterns you wished you knew when you started your job as a Business Central Developer?
What are the design guidelines and design patterns you wished you knew when you started your job as a Business Central Developer?
The 'design guidelines' you are talking about are more 'coding style guidelines' and have little to do with actual design. I think there should be a formalized class about architecture and modern design patters that is specific to BC
The 'new pricing mechanism' for instance, would LOVE to hear that one
- Design from user experiences
Developers are allowed to ask why and sometimes also to say no
- Don't use changecompay
- always use setloadfields/readisolation
- Group objects by functionality
- Use codecops
- Minimize database operations in tests, use temporary records
- Use /// snippet for stuff
- Factory pattern - because if you would like to do testing "someday" it is good if it is already there.
- tableextension methods, instead of having a random codeunit with function, add function to tableext with prefix, Customer.NBA_DoSomething
1. git
2. Docker
3. VSCode
3a. Recommended extensions
4. DevOps Boards (or Jira)
5. Time tracking
6. Postman (or REST)
Those are the "tech topics" connected to BC already.