The odds are good that if she plays Warhammer, she plays either Orks or Tyranids. It's not guaranteed, but in my experience they're the two most common armies for women.
I mean, yeah. I know women who play Space Marines too. I know/know of more women who play Orks or Tyranids though. I didn't say women didn't play other armies.
I get why Sisters aren't common among women, because the entire faction is basically tailor-made for the male gaze. That can work for women who are attracted to women, but I 100% understand how women can think they're kinda gross.
I think they've gotten better, the novels mostly being written by women probably helps, but yeah there's a line between male-gaze and feminist power fantasy and it can be thin
This was decades ago, and I'm not as active in the hobby as I'd like nowadays, so demographics have probably shifted.
All ancillary to the appearance. Which ALSO is great.
...Oh, wlw, I missed that part. I guess you got me
Da Boyz know fun and how to have it.
Whats it make sisters players?