and flies in the face of all those who believe in sovereignty and the rule of law. And it adds insult to the countless injuries suffered by the brave Ukrainian people.
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It is really a disgrace for US to be a member of the rogue states group in a UN voting. This is damage for US for decades and the trust from many countries in the US judgement of international affairs is gone for long. What a disaster.
Democracies around the world should boycott the US economically! We need outside pressure for an internal revolt to have more of a chance of succeeding!
Richard your man is going down faster than a Boeing on autopilot.He’s got nearly as many homes as you and he’s gonna be in one of them soon. He could’ve solve this problem 7days after arrival of Russians but was flattered into war by the likes of you,no doubt you’ll be entertaining himon your island
It boggles the mind that he can just say “Russia Russia Russia” to his followers and they instantly fail to notice that every action after that is a direct or indirect gift to Putin.
Career diplomats and their aids have to toe the administration's line, but when that line moves, blurs or is blatantly leading to a war footing, they'll have a choice to make, stay and keep lying to live another day, or say fek this sh*t, I'm taking my plant and going home.
I've got a good idea. The super-rich seem very willing to dip their hands in their pockets to fund unprofitable outlets like GB News. Wouldn't it be good, then, if some super-rich person in the UK were to dip their hand in their pocket to fund an outlet that said pleasant things about...
And it spits on the graves of all our military members who died in the Korean War AND all those Americans who died in Cold Wat aggressions. This is today’s GOP.
When people finally admit he's a Russian asset ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ELSE MAKES SENSE. There is no other explanation. None. Zero. They've been grooming this useful idiot for decades. #Krasnov Of course he's throwing Ukraine (and Europe and the US) under the bus. Orders.
I, and many others, especially in NY and NJ, have known this for decades. Even before Putin, Don the Con was financed by Russia when NO AMERICAN BANK would lend him any more money. He's told us who he is COUNTLESS TIMES, including Helsinki in 2018 and in the WH in 2017. Americans are STUPID.
The supposed videos the KGB holds over his time in a Moscow Hotel Suite, years ago, could be quite some leverage! Of course the 2 could go hand in hand!!
Sir, You write the ugly truth as I know it.
#Felon47 is long past evil.
He already told everybody that, "if you vote for me this time you'll never have to vote again." What part of that statement don't you all understand?
My depression has bloomed exponentially due to his threats.
Big picture; we must continue self care & stress management. It is imperative at this point. I feel similarly but I’m resetting constantly; i refuse to give these traitors anymore of my power in terms of negative reaction and spontaneous impulses to break things.
The traitor hangs by a thread due to the drugs he & his cabinet are on. I’ve observed it. We all have. I’ll go out on a limb & include those sycophants orbiting this cadre of nazi wannabes. We know what happened to at the end of ww2; the drugs wore off & the idea of facing justice was too great
It is beyond alarming as the US starts to isolate and all of us patriots are to just go along with the lunacy of some felon led monarchy. He has loyal subjects. My belief is there are more of us willing to fight to maintain our constitution and be back to having a place in the real world.
If this keeps getting worse by the day, by the end of the next 4 years I know the suicide rates will increase tenfold, and I may be on that list eventually. Not sure how much of this I can take, especially if we end up in Civil War 2.0. I don't have the resources to survive where I am.
Suiciding is not the answer. I am glad you are here and please join in. That's how I, a Canadian, have stayed relatively sane these past nine+ years. In 1977 I took an instant guttural dislike to #Felon47. I'd like to see him in prison for the attempted overthrow of The United States Of America.
Just putting it out there but come the time for the next election (😂🤣) there's going to be either a huge terrorist attack or some sort of war that means he'll call in some sub-clause B of the constitution where: he's now President UNTIL ITS OVER!
But unlike Ukraine's constitution where an election is not allowed while it's at war, the US constitution requires holding elections even while at war.
Considering that it is your generation, in addition to boomers, that have permitted this wide spread wealth inequality to permeate society, it is incumbent on you (the collective) to take action. There also has to be a reckoning with the finiteness of life. Regarding age, you must be Tiananman man.
Exactly whatever he says it’s gonna happen. He does it if he blames someone else on something you know he’s doing it like saying that the election would be rigged.
The Trump administration deserves zero grace. They are in the middle of a coup and our citizens are oblivious or simply do not care. JD Vance is a right wing extremist who believes women without children are psychotic and Alex Jones is more reliable than Rachel Maddow.
Trump does what Putin tells him.
You cannot unsee it. When Putin publicly said- RU helped you Donald-you have obligations you must repay- “Seems you are safe…
For now.”Donald handed over USA to Putin-so now what?
ALL of the people in the Trump administration cannot be trusted. They are traitors to our constitution. They are crossing the line to make our country a non-functioning Constitutional Federal Republic. He has been siding with Russia since before his first term.
Trump never cared about rule of law or suffering. He’s always been denied consequences & expects to continue to be denied them. You clearly weren’t picking up on his clues. He cares about himself and his power only. He doesn’t care who or what is harmed or dies. He is a tyrant.
Don’t give them the benefit of the doubt. They don’t care about Ukraine and will side with Russia if there is money in it. The American administration are traitors. They do not represent the American majority.
Sachant que Trump pour qui l’argent est plus important que la vie d’une personne,il y’a sûrement une question de business avec la Russie et une vision du 🌎 de demain et mauvaise stratégie de sa part comme très souvent mais je pense comme vous et me dis que la 🇷🇺 le tien bien. Avec quoi? Je ne le sais
The election was off by no less than 3.75 MILLION fully valid yet discarded votes of surgically targeted sects of the population within the "swing states", sects known by large to vote blue. These numbers are as reported by the states themselves. Insanely extremist laws make this insanity "legal".
The US elite has assets tied up in Russia or dependent on Russian exports. That's why they want an end to the war, they want to be able to continue to trade with Russia
I’ve no idea what you are referring to. My statements are fact, opinion or speculation and i’m pretty clear as which is which. Obv he’s piece of shit. & you can cite rape, sex assault, inciting insurrection, stealing/withholding classified docs, fraud, con, a-moral…any of these current facts apply
Well said
the USA looks like a bunch of damn turncoat deadbeat traitors.
Those must be some pretty condemning pee tapes Putski has of tWump, the 4 hookers and a chicken
Correct. But billionaires have influence over the administration. And airline safety is critical to the stability of our economy. Only would take a handful of air traffic control debacles to bring our economy to a grinding halt.
That has absolutely nothing to do with Branson. Sir Richard Branson is a British Billionaire philanthropist.
He is NOT American, he is not a sycophant like Musk, Bezos or Zuckerberg. To his benefit he might consider not operating his planes in the U.S.
Don’t you think @potus wants peace? He constantly says he does. What is the price of peace? Some land? There are no winners in war. @potus wants the war to stop. We’ve done war. It hasn’t worked. Lets do peace.
Let’s not forget the extortion attempt from this administration. Forcing a resource deal in exchange for the “possibility” of support against Russia?!? Truly wicked.
And it’s coming across as though all Americans are against Ukraine and WE are not! I stand by Ukraine and also Canada. The things trump is doing in saying are awful.
Hardly surprising given Trump's history! The writing was on the wall. Sold out his workers for their pensions, defrauded govt contracts on house building, refused to sell apartments to people of colour. Apparently, his father being arrested at a KKK riot was just a 'misunderstanding'. 🤔
Yeah. And everybody saw. The whole world saw. Except Milei, Bolsonaro, Maduro, Kim, Putin, Lukashenko, Orban, Meloni, Netanjahu and this german hicksville woman from AFD.
Yeah why the hell did anyone ever give Trump the benefit of the doubt? New Yorkers have known go awful he is from repeated evidence of the past 50+ years.
It’s not all of us. Most of us deplore what’s going on, including some of Ts own voters. The Republicans and Fox created a Frankenstein they can no longer control. I don’t understand it; seemed like T was capable of all this back in 2015. Hopefully the fever will break soon.
Trump’s stance on Ukraine hurts me emotionally as much as his cuts he’s planning to Vet benefits, Medicaid & passing his Billionaire Tax Cut. All are important. I’m personally affected. Ukraine hurts me emotionally as much as any of his twisted plans.
Trump is a willing asset to a hostile foreign power. During his first term, trump was in the midst of a regime change, attempting to restructure the entire geopolitical landscape w Putin, giving him the remainder of Ukraine to increase his reach into Europe. He’s just picked up where he left off.
Yes. I agree. He’s been an asset for decades. I think he was an asset BEFORE Miss Universe. He’d had numerous trips staying for free. Russia has cameras for famous or political people. Krompromat as they say.
In the 80s he couldn’t secure a US bank loan because of multiple bankruptcies and Russia saw an opportunity to play the long game so they provided the money.
It soon became clear that this new administration has no respect or regard for the sovereignty of other countries. It wants to become a territory grabbing power (good luck with those plans), just like Russia.
So glad you spoke out against this unconscionable position. People like you need to convince other “billionaires” to stop supporting this administration.
That old saying, we're judged by the company we keep, now applies to the grand old USA. It's looking shockingly isolated in company with the autocrats of North Korea, Russia & co. It's lost all claim to moral leadership & 'exceptionalism' (always a bit of self-deluded nonsense). Even China abstained
Because that's what he and Moon Pie do, in fact. They demean people with mental and neurological disabilities, even though they clearly qualify for the description, so we can't just do the same thing or worse. If we're no better than they are, how can we condemn them, at all?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t we supposed to be the police of the world aren’t we supposed to bring in democracy? Promote it encourage it? Didn’t we break free from England? Am I missing something?
I had an argument with a particularly stupid American who insisted that Canada isn't sovereign because we are a commonwealth country. Which only proves they really know absolutely NOTHING about Canada.
Canada is, in fact, a sovereign country. No. We don't want to join the US. NOT EVER!
That’s why they have to legitimize the invasion of Ukraine.
It won’t be the last country invaded by fascists in our lifetime and MANY Canadians believe that Canada is at the top of the list.
Don’t want to give us your water and minerals?
Fine, we’ll just take them.
You help us by pushing back. Many MAGA voters still believe the rest of the world respects us because of Trump. When you boo our anthem, refuse to buy our booze and cancel travel to the US, they can't blame that on Biden or anyone else.
Shit recently I went to austrillia and NZ and I didn’t even want to admit im from US, because everywhere I go they’re like “oh you’re from US?” From having pride being from that country to now regretting that decision. It’s rough.
Imagine how we feel here in the US. Please remember more than half the electorate did not vote for him. Too many people didn’t vote and thought they were protesting.
We are angry. We are embarrassed. We are sad to see our country destroyed from the inside out by MAGAts and Muskrats.
Very sad that the US is now ‘they’ after being part of ‘us’ or ‘we’ for so long.
trump’s swing to Putin is scary, but no doubt he’ll personally benefit financially bc that’s what matters to him.
As Canadians we feel nervous, disappointed, unsettled; the list goes on. Respectfully, it’s not about our feelings right now-it’s about the ppl of Ukraine who he is voting against protecting & American citizens whose democracy is being shattered.
I hope the day for it to be about us never comes.
Combat War Veteran here. I understand that many may feel it's time to pile in with their "Poor Me Big Bad US" List. However, many of those are Wars we either were unwilling pulled into, asked to intervene, begged for our help, someone outright demanded that we show up.
Sorry, but you respect the opinion of a guy who just told you that he was going to give this Administration a chance after 750k unnecessary deaths during his first Administration?
After the publication of Project 2025?
Branson just means he felt he had a chance to make more money.
Sadly it does speak for some of your citizens. Based on a few polls about "how is President Trump doing so far?" or similar, I am guessing at about a third of the population or more. That is the worrying part...
You and I know that many citizens don't like what's happening because we see it here, but here's the problem. Talking on social media is meaningless to global community you might as well be saying "thoughts and prayers". When extremely large groups show up in the streets, then the world will believe
If you think the PA results weren’t rigged you’re still living in a delusional bubble. This administration does not speak for the majority of Americans
Since this poll closed, the public outcry has gotten louder. I guarantee when they poll again you’ll see a lot more orange (not unlike the Fanta Führer)
I dont believe that. My first thought was of Ukraine. I also feel Starlink had a clumsy hand in vote counts. Remember “ …or dont vote. I dont care. I already have the votes ).
Correction: NOT a majority of citizens. 48.9% of VOTERS (in a nation with low voter turnout and forces seeking to ensure low voter turnout). Not to mention voter remorse in many cases. So, no he doesn’t have a right to do this in our names.
I am paying attention. My point is that you were a democracy, and there are millions of people who wanted this, all of this. I am on your side and the millions of Americans who don't want any of it.
*plurality of votes cast. Not a majority. Not even of all citizens or registered voters. We're talking about the opinion of less than 23% of the US population.
Except that the majority view is not being reflected. What’s being reflected is putin’s and the convicted🍊felon’s view. Even congressional GQPs disagree with the convicted🍊felon’s decision to side with putin.
Really? I've not seen any GQP outcry over this. I hope I've just missed it, but I fear any Repugnitans who dissented are few and the majority are still quietly letting this coup unfold.
Sen John Curtis (R-Utah) spoke out against it, while McConnell, tillis and hawley spoke out against tRump calling President Zelenskyy a dictator and saying Ukraine started the war. I wish more GQPs would find their spines. Hopefully not all of them support this stupid decision.
Every majority party also has a minority party. I have never observed a minority party that didn't have and use it's voice.
The current majority is so thin that it would be poetic if say a $50B Ukraine package was demanded in exchange for say 5 minority house & senate votes to get a budget passed.
You’re splitting hairs. It doesn’t even fucking matter anymore right now. We’ve got a rogue goddamn president he needs to be removed and I’m probably gonna get killed for saying this
Don't mean to gaslight, my apologies. Just very concerned and upset that so many Americans voted for this, and continue to defend Trump. Canadians love being a good neighbour, value our friendship, and want this to stop.
I'm Canadian, just commenting on the fact that a majority of voters did in fact vote for Trump. Which, from this side of the border, is very upsetting.
No they don't because polls show the vast majority of Americans believe Putin is a bloodthirsty dictator. Trump is offside on this and has revealed that he favours the Kremlin over his own country. What does he have planned for Canada? I wonder. Huge hit to American prestige.
I want to believe that, but I watched last night as a YouTuber (democrat) took to the streets asking everyday Americans how they felt Trump was doing, and they were delighted with the Border response and anti-trans legislation. The Archie Bunker's of the world don't know any better I'm afraid.
Don't believe YouTube polls. Try watching MSNBC Every reputable poll has his numbers tanking, and his actions concerning Ukraine are even less popular.
Agree, there are a lot of uninformed people out there who consume their news on Fox. Maybe I’m being too optimistic, but I’m hoping people are beginning to wake up and realize what is happening.
It's not a democracy and hasn't been for decades - it's an oligarchy - your politicians on both sides are owned by corps and do their bidding. I know it's tempting to think that tearing it all down, as it's currently happening, is the only way to go but it isn't
Are you sure this what the people wanted? Voting for an administrative body that promised to lower prices and kick out immigrants didn't necessarily want to abandon democracy
There is nothing at all happening in America right now that is democratic.
In a town hall meeting, the MAGA sheriff got a private militia to assault and drag a woman out of the hall for saying “it wasn’t a town hall, it was a lecture”…then denied he knew who they were! Is that American democracy now
Even out of the people who voted, the majority voted against him. He does *not* represent the views of the majority and he does not have a mandate. Not at all.
It wasn't the majority though. Less than half of voters, and that is only the voters. Barely more votes percentage-wise than Kamala. The rest was third party. And many people didn't vote at all. Now, they unfortunately do represent us, but it is MAGA that claims a non-existent mandate.
It's a broken system then isn't it? I'm Canadian so forgive my lack of knowledge, but is this because the number Electoral Votes in red states is greater than in blue states?
Yes I hear you. Americans I know, including family members, are good people who are as afraid as we are in Canada. My point was that the majority of voters wanted this. Even recent US polling indicates they think their government is doing a good job. It's so sad.
You are wrong. Recent polling shows tRump is losing support massively.
And you are ignoring the huge influx of cash Musk added to tRump's campaign at the end to push his election. This is the oligarch/billionaire influence on steroids with no easy remedy in reach. America is in an upward battle now!
It doesnt reflect the views of the majority when 1/3 of the electorate didnt vote. That is what a democracy is, the right to choose to vote. In this case, Americans screwed themselves.
Actually, that is not accurate. The problem was the idiots that didn't vote, Trump received about 32% of the votes, about 36% of the population didn't bother to vote. So, no, it doesn't reflect the views of the majority.
This administration speaks for less than the majority of those who voted in the election.
🍊💩 got less than 50% of the vote.
Based on public opinion, it speaks for fewer and fewer of the citizens with every passing day.
Does this look like democracy right now? I get your point, but it was a thin majority in November, and I’m confident if there was a redo today it would be minority support. Nearly half of us knew this was going to happen. Sadly just a bit more were blinded by hate.
If Trumps polling had plummeted, it would not look democratic, but it’s the DEMOCRATS (?!?!?!) that are tanking in the polls?! Wtf America? I used to look so much up to you! Dreamt of living their when kids left home 😢
I think Democrats are tanking in the polls because they failed to prevent a second Trump presidency. AND they are (with a few isolated exceptions) failing to respond effectively to the actions of the Trump regime.
America had its chance. Need to drop the whole sympathy card of how not all Americans wanted this. It doesn't matter when it doesn't lessen the threat that the US poses to the rest of the world. That's how you get actual sympathy if that's what you are fishing for by admission not excuses.
I’ve admitted that we deserve what we get. It doesn’t change the situation I’m in. While my country was relentlessly supporting a genocide in Gaza, I wasn’t one of the ones saying, “well they deserve it because Oct 7.” No, I had sympathy for all the Palestinians who didn’t want Oct. 7.
Wow! You have such a warm and inviting smile, and your photo is great. I came across your timeline and noticed you’re new here. This post really stood out to me! I just sent you a friend request, feel free to add me back or send one my way!
It’s happening all over the world. Not all at once. Some countries have squeaked by recently. Look at Germany. Their election came out tolerable, but with the far right party getting 20% support. Unless momentum turns around, they are just an election or two behind us.
I am open to that possibility, but I also respect potential reasons why we didn’t see much pushback. We saw firsthand the outcome of election denying. Unfortunately, now that Trump has a stranglehold on America, I doubt credible evidence will ever get the attention it needs.
And it was an election fraught with voter suppression and a rampant disinformation campaign groomed by the world's richest and most selfish man.Algorithms elected this president more than the people did. No mandate. Just corruption.
I am certain if there was a redo the results would be different. Not sure you will get one. I fear It was your last democratic election. To think Trump's victory made possible by racism, sexism and ignorance. I am sorry, I admire the nearly half you represent. I am sorry for all of us.
I share your fears. My family and I are having very real discussions on how long to remain and when we should try to emigrate. I doubt many nations will have sympathy for American refugees.
Exactly. I didn't vote for the Orange Pus Ball because he TELLING PEOPLE WHAT HE WANTED TO DO! Project 2025 was out there. MAGA is a cult. The rest that voted for him....moronic and too lazy to read. They screwed the rest of us. Now I hope MAGA gets screwed...BIGLY!!!
This is all true, and some very unreasonable and irrational people either sat it out or voted 3rd party because of Biden/Harris policy on Gaza. It wasn't an election where idealism could be afforded. Biden/Harris would be better (still not good) for Gaza than Trump, as is now crystal clear.
Yes, its is embarrassing and if I ever hear a single one that I know didn't vote complain about the hellscape we're facing, I'll tell them to shut their pie hole.
That's a good question. I suppose the answer is Trump got more votes. Which is so upsetting. It was obvious what he stood for, still millions decided to vote for him. I believe there's still time to turn this around, but those millions, most of whom still believe in him, should not be discounted.
You gave him the benefit of the doubt? Even after he withheld critical funding for their survival to get intel on Biden? And was impeached for it? And stole classified docs? And publicly took Putin’s word over our intelligence?!! Really??!!
Sorry, Ukraine is inconvenient for other rich fuckheads like you, guess you didn't get the memo
Chill out and enjoy the age of oligarchy, scumbag!
Your side won, rejoice! All the proles and peasants will be ground down on the wheel of infinite greed, who needs nations when we have dragons like you
Ik you did.✅️💯
Should have been thought of before allowing big money into politics. If anyone can be threatened with big primary money. Democracy is absent. Special Interests... how naive we all were.💔🤦♂️
We all did, even us trying to get our once battleground states back to some sense of normalcy despite the Statehouses efforts. We can only do so much when the DNC does little.
How could you possibly give Trump the benefit of the doubt? JFC it is not rocket science. He is the dictator he always was, except now he truly has free reign to do shit to our country and everyone around the world. Sure thought you were smarter.
This is the opportunity for Europe to show that when push comes to shove they can go it alone and help Ukraine defend themselves victoriously against Putin's aggression.
Richard, these people in the current "Administration" are busy converting the empire into a different, more exploitative kind. Progressive change, achievements towards equality never benefited any empire, even less the ones that run on predatory capitalism. Say goodbye to civil rights & protections.
Remembering the #HelsinkiTreasonSummit
When Trump praised Putin and dissed U.S. Intelligence.
#TrumpRussia #TrumpRussia It has always been #TrumpRussia
Trump's handling of #COVID-19 pandemic (Killed 1million Americans) 2018 Government Shutdown, #TrumpsTariffs
Trump acts like an Agent of the Kremlin
It sure would be cool if all of the heroically-inclined billionaires got together to help fight to stop and fix this downfall of the Republic….history would be kind. We need resources and help. Any others?
We need unity & $$.
The fact that you gave the “they’re eating dogs” administration throwing Nazi salutes the benefit of the doubt tells me either you’re an idiot or you wanted to see what they could do for you. There are no Nazi sympathizers, only Nazis.
Everything you said is valid. Very valid. So valid that it applies exactly to the votes protecting Israel.
So it's on brand for the genocide-enabler American empire.
Dude, you're gas💡'ing yourself. He ❌ed the line in January, 2021, to try to stay in office illegally, in front of the whole world. Take a deep breath, and give yourself a shake, because he never stopped lying. He lied his way back into office, and had his lawyers do a legal version of a Gish Gallop.
The truth is that the American identity of being powerful and flipping tables when it matters is a myth. Americans are docile and have been made impassive sociopaths by isolating technology and struggle.
Rife with problems nobody solves because "if I make enough money they won't affect me anymore."
You need to be careful about what you say. The FBI will send people to your house to follow up on threats like this, and they will place you on terrorist watch lists. We're all angry I know.
There are literally millions of people saying this now. They didn't have the resources before to go after each person, now that they are firing people left and right they certainly do not.
Stop being a useless pussy. This is war. We. Are. At. War.
This is what I was thinking the whole time and waiting for a response from a "General", not sure if he is one, about how many of these remarks are being addressed. They have more than they can handle and I'm ready to go build a gallows' on the White House lawn!!!
Exactly. Remember the East German Stasi? Well, Kash Patel has the whole voluntary surveillance network at Trump's personal FBI's fingertips. This set up is the Stasi's wet dream.
Perhaps, but after 01/06/22, the Empty Hairpiece had no further reasonable expectations of clean breaks, not when the only defence he was ever able to make against "Russia, Russia, Russia," was to clutch his pearls and demand to know how anyone could dare doubt the word of a man with over 30K lies.
Britain had no parliamentary elections for eight years while Churchill led them through WWII. If elections were held today, he would win in a landslide.
Today, he'd have the worldwide fascist threat to run on, as manifested by Russia, the US, and Hungary, which is no small beans. The next leader of the Liberal Party, in Canada, has that to run on, which will only be a good thing, if Ford is kept out of it.
Richard, thanks for saying something. I’m an American from a ‘red’ state and I believe we should continue to support Ukrainian people and their fierce soldiers from Russian aggression.
He stopped getting the benefit of the doubt from me when he came down that escalator and said Mexicans were criminals and rapists. And then when he was on tape saying he could grab women by the pussy? Come on.
I’ve officially been one up’d. Lol I should’ve worded that differently to say he crossed a line that even I thought he wouldn’t cross that day. I mean he’s not the first POS to be in office. But, to pull a Charles Manson on January 6th because he was a sore loser…didn’t think he’d go there.
I’ll re one up you and say I didn’t give him the benefit of the doubt as a human being when he took out a full page Ad calling for the execution of the 5 innocent ‘Central Park Five’. Let me further protect myself here… even since his birth, which I wasn’t alive for I knew he was a POS.
Um, what was the doubt? We knew exactly what he was going to do by the people lined up behind him. Listen: I know billionaires gotta billionaire but imagine how EPIC you would be if you left space to the Nazis, threw in with …
… and did some genuine good that will help us upend this dangerous thugocracy? Be a white hat! You are among the few people with the resources not to worry what they try to do to you! Heeeeeelllllllp!
I am an American and I am more appalled each day by this vile administration.
I’m so sorry world. 😞
I did not vote for this insanity!
I am heartbroken at the disrespect and insanity of this administration.
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
America is being attacked from within. 😡
You gave the bone-sawing of kashoggi, “very fine people,” torturing immigrant children, love letters to Kim Jong Un, 0 cases of Covid, sharpied hurricane path, inject disinfectant, shoot ‘em in the legs, Jan 6 insurrection, etc, etc, etc the benefit of the doubt???????????????????
Right on top of it Ricky! The first ten seconds of any Trump speech or interview since 2015 would have told you everything you needed to know. But, maybe you were busy.
So you were cool with the Greenland thing, the Canada thing and sweeping people off land in Gaza in order to build some kind of resort. And also okay with the insulting and harmful DEI assaults? These people made a plan, wrote it down and are doing it.
King Trump sided with Russia during his 1st term while standing on Russian soil ..Tyranny is happening before our eyes in the US ..please know that all Americans are not for this horror !!!
But that's trump.
He's extorted people his entire life and weaponized the court system.
How am I the only one who sees this?
He now has Russia, Israel, and Saudi enriching his bank accounts, the latter who is the home of 9/11 terrorists.
He doesn't care about the people!
I think many more people see it. Sadly I think some people though like the shock and awe reality star aspect to it. It doesn’t impact them directly and it's a train wreck they can watch for entertainment.
Like you don’t know why? He owes Putin. Putin kills those who don’t follow his instructions. Trump has been his political slave since 1987. His not so secret name is Krasnov.
Fully 2/3 of Americans do or will agree as more info emerges - including unfortunately 1/3 of voters didn't vote or voted 'other'. The other 1/3, the magats, are hopelessly brainwashed.
So we have some work to do, and we will need western countries to help us defeat fascists and the Tr*** Cult.
Musk isn’t beyond tampering with elections. Most Americans support Ukraine and are against what Musk and Trump are doing. All free world countries should be boycotting every product Musk sells. He is trying to buy politicians in your countries. He wants to be in control there too. Don’t let him.
Uh, Trump thanked Elon for his help with PA voting machines- His kid said, We used Starlink and no one will ever know. What staff worked with Elon on Election Day? He will repeat this “help”.
They have been showing us here in the US from the very beginning this new “administration” has zero regard for the law. None! They make up their own rules as they go along.
Of course he sided with the dictators. He’s shown us where his allegiance lies. Time for people to wake up!!
So what will you do, Richard Branson? Gather your billionaire friends and startup new progressive news media, radio, and podcasts. Rehire those that were fired from MSNBC and CNN. We need billionaires to fight fascist billionaires.
And by the way, Elon is trying to buy the April Wisconsin Supreme Court election with millions of dollars in ads. Would you ever consider being a counter-weight to that? Asking for a friend . .
I had no doubt this administration would be horrible. We just haven't seen the bloodbath yet. And if you think he meant that threat as a figure of speech: wrong.
Trump wanted to have protestors shot in his first term.
I have no reason to think Trump will not follow #Project2025 and invoke the Insurrection Act to have protestors shot.
Why give trump benefit of any kind? He is an assh*le thru & thru.
And Israel, too, sided with Russia, north Korea, etc!!!WTF? Maybe they DID NOT LEARN FROM THEIR PAST & I AM USUALLY ON THE SIDE OF ISRAEL BUT NOW.....
Didn’t he commit treason on when he pardoned the Jan 6 offender that was convicted of seditious conspiracy? Isn’t that aiding him and as such negates his presidency? The man is losing it.. It’s embarrassing to be American. Our allies are Russia and Iran 😳 Srs?
Perhaps you could put some 💵💵💵💸💸💸 to further the cause somehow? How about assisting with some upcoming special elections or something more useful than posting on SM? If I am uninformed and you are actually doing good, kindly enlighten me/us.
NO giving Trump the benefit of the doubt, he's been showing his hand for months. Years? I'm not giving Trump and MAGAts any benefit, they have shown us what they intend to do (gut the govt, destroy education, erase trans folks, outlaw abortion, gay marriage, birth control, interracial marriage).
I recall reading your thoughts after a lunch with trump at trump tower. You were taken aback by his talk of retribution toward his enemies, which was all he talked about. You knew who he was.
Only resistance.
It boggles the mind that he can just say “Russia Russia Russia” to his followers and they instantly fail to notice that every action after that is a direct or indirect gift to Putin.
Because I tell you what, thanks to the likes of GB News, we're spiralling down the same plughole.
Any candidates? You know, who might like to DO something?
Check his info he has YouTube videos too
#Felon47 is long past evil.
He already told everybody that, "if you vote for me this time you'll never have to vote again." What part of that statement don't you all understand?
My depression has bloomed exponentially due to his threats.
It'll never be over🤦
You cannot unsee it. When Putin publicly said- RU helped you Donald-you have obligations you must repay- “Seems you are safe…
For now.”Donald handed over USA to Putin-so now what?
Laws that make it very easy for even anonymous citizens to challenge the votes of their fellow citizens are largely the cause.
Check investigative journalist Greg Palast.
the USA looks like a bunch of damn turncoat deadbeat traitors.
Those must be some pretty condemning pee tapes Putski has of tWump, the 4 hookers and a chicken
He is NOT American, he is not a sycophant like Musk, Bezos or Zuckerberg. To his benefit he might consider not operating his planes in the U.S.
You are in good company.
He sat there like a mentally challenged person when Macron was speaking to him.
he was and is a monster
Canada is, in fact, a sovereign country. No. We don't want to join the US. NOT EVER!
It won’t be the last country invaded by fascists in our lifetime and MANY Canadians believe that Canada is at the top of the list.
Don’t want to give us your water and minerals?
Fine, we’ll just take them.
We are angry. We are embarrassed. We are sad to see our country destroyed from the inside out by MAGAts and Muskrats.
trump’s swing to Putin is scary, but no doubt he’ll personally benefit financially bc that’s what matters to him.
I hope the day for it to be about us never comes.
After the publication of Project 2025?
Branson just means he felt he had a chance to make more money.
It’s not America that is weak, it is Americans who are weak.
The current majority is so thin that it would be poetic if say a $50B Ukraine package was demanded in exchange for say 5 minority house & senate votes to get a budget passed.
but now it’s a oligarchy reflecting the wishes of billionaires
In a town hall meeting, the MAGA sheriff got a private militia to assault and drag a woman out of the hall for saying “it wasn’t a town hall, it was a lecture”…then denied he knew who they were! Is that American democracy now
I voted for Harris.
And the current “elected body” doesn’t speak for ALL citizens.
And Trump “won” by a VERY SLIM majority - and most likely with the assistance from Musk and his tech toadies.
And you are ignoring the huge influx of cash Musk added to tRump's campaign at the end to push his election. This is the oligarch/billionaire influence on steroids with no easy remedy in reach. America is in an upward battle now!
🍊💩 got less than 50% of the vote.
Based on public opinion, it speaks for fewer and fewer of the citizens with every passing day.
So there’s that
Not a majority.
48.3% got Harris
then you have othres+invalid.
and voter turnout was just 63.9%
you can't call this a majority, he just won in this system.
Citizens are pissed as hell!
80 years of history is meaningless to this predator felon.
Chill out and enjoy the age of oligarchy, scumbag!
Your side won, rejoice! All the proles and peasants will be ground down on the wheel of infinite greed, who needs nations when we have dragons like you
Should have been thought of before allowing big money into politics. If anyone can be threatened with big primary money. Democracy is absent. Special Interests... how naive we all were.💔🤦♂️
You need to cancel your subscription to behind the times!
#GayValimont #FL-91
#JoshWeil #FL-06
#BlakeGendebien #NY-21
When Trump praised Putin and dissed U.S. Intelligence.
#TrumpRussia #TrumpRussia It has always been #TrumpRussia
Trump's handling of #COVID-19 pandemic (Killed 1million Americans) 2018 Government Shutdown, #TrumpsTariffs
Trump acts like an Agent of the Kremlin
We need unity & $$.
That said, welcome to the #RESISTANCE
So it's on brand for the genocide-enabler American empire.
Rife with problems nobody solves because "if I make enough money they won't affect me anymore."
Stop being a useless pussy. This is war. We. Are. At. War.
I’m so sorry world. 😞
I did not vote for this insanity!
I am heartbroken at the disrespect and insanity of this administration.
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
America is being attacked from within. 😡
We simply CANNOT believe what we're seeing and we are refusing to accept the evidence right before our eyes. We're gaslighting ourselves.
They’re there. There’s “there” there.
I see wisdom in adopting immediacy for our discussions of DJT-MAGA. Not “when,” but “how next.”
He's extorted people his entire life and weaponized the court system.
How am I the only one who sees this?
He now has Russia, Israel, and Saudi enriching his bank accounts, the latter who is the home of 9/11 terrorists.
He doesn't care about the people!
So we have some work to do, and we will need western countries to help us defeat fascists and the Tr*** Cult.
Us little folks are pretty much powerless.
It is the rich that make these decisions for us.
Of course he sided with the dictators. He’s shown us where his allegiance lies. Time for people to wake up!!
I have no reason to think Trump will not follow #Project2025 and invoke the Insurrection Act to have protestors shot.
Retired rear admiral fears Trump replacing military leaders with those ‘loyal to him’
And Israel, too, sided with Russia, north Korea, etc!!!WTF? Maybe they DID NOT LEARN FROM THEIR PAST & I AM USUALLY ON THE SIDE OF ISRAEL BUT NOW.....
can't object to invading a sovereign country is you plan on doing the same