If you want to tame your local crows, here's some tips:
Avoid eye contact
No sudden movements
No loud noises
Create routine so they know when & where to expect you
They like tiny bits of Schmackos dog treats
Try crows already used to humans e.g. at a local park
Sit on a bench to make yourself small
Avoid eye contact
No sudden movements
No loud noises
Create routine so they know when & where to expect you
They like tiny bits of Schmackos dog treats
Try crows already used to humans e.g. at a local park
Sit on a bench to make yourself small
Reposted from
Nix Rust
Over the last year, I've got to know the carrion crows in my neighbourhood. Some pairs now know me (& my dog) & follow me around. It's been such a pleasure to focus in on my local wildlife (a species that most people ignore). A few things I've learnt about them ๐งต