Demorats helped fund a metric crapton of paramilitars in my country, much like reps, they made the plan that was later used by reps to put Pinocho in power, a lot didn't even ever criticize US imperialism, and demorats are also still just neo libruh pigs, fuck the US.
Russia funded way, way less violent groups in my country, helped way, way less dictatorships in my continent, attacked my people internationaly way, way less, so nah, fuck the US every day, every hour, every minute, every second, of every year, of every age.
Way less violent groups? russia wants the whole of europe, if it wasn’t for the US, you‘d have russia everywhere as they are doing to ukrainr, as they plan to do to the baltic states, to sweden and norway, as they try to do to khazakistan, you can lie all you want but russia is a terrorist state.
The US has invaded more, instigated coups in more, interfered in democracy in more countries than Russia could dream of.
The US is the biggest threat to world peace.
If it wasn't for the US my country wouldn't've had one of the worst civil conflicts in history, that's still ongoing, so shut the fuck up. And the Euroland amusement park is a much more serious contention of Russian imperialism, the Amerikkkan pigs have only dedicated themselves to attacking the
global south, and don't call the nazi terrorists, while defending the country well known for nazi terrorism, from gladio to condor to radio free Europe the US just can't help itself when it comes to defending, hiring and propagaditing nazis.
Russia is the main source of terrorism everywhere in the world, just because they hide and you dont see them and you cant differentiate its none of my problem.
HAHAHAHAJAHJHAJHA coma mierda hijueputa, toca darse garra después del malparido plan cóndor, los genocidios en Palestina, la operación Gladio, la fundación y mantenimiento de la escuela de las Americas, la explotación del África, la intervención en Haití.
Fuck the amerikkkan pigs, and fuck the
The US is the biggest threat to world peace.
Fuck the amerikkkan pigs, and fuck the