Joining the gang are we #MSNBC? Please, forget your protection! Now that we have a self medicating heroin user running our HHS departments, I wish all the very worst STDs tRump’s asshole offers. 😘
Best of luck MSNBC. You want to be a “voice” that doesn’t inform or ruffle WH narcissists you will keep losing paying customers. Dinosaurs who cannot innovate.
Time for a new progressive media option that looks like the nation in color, age and views & reflects on local concerns being ignored.
Considering musk’s teenaged doger Eddi, KGBofficer/spy ValeryFedorovichMartynov’s grandson, has tight connections to the motherland. Eddi, fired for stealing corp data & giving it to a competitor, isn’t be trusted. Yet Musk granted him godmode access to govdata
Dear MSNBC. What you are doing to show hosts is appalling. I will watch Rachel & Lawrence for now & see how it goes. Other than that I will never watch MSNBC again.
WTAF! Your top contributors are calling corporate leadership out for massivr failures. Becky is failing already! If the press fails, democracy fails! #FireRebeccaCutler
The only thing I will watch is Rachel until the 100 days are over. Maybe Lawrence. That’s all and I’m gone. Joy Reid is the top echelon. You, MSNBC, screwed up big time. You are losing your devoted audience.
You and your CEO Rebecca Kutler perfectly demonstrate big media's ethical bankruptcy and its short-sighted knee-bending by taking Joy Reid off the air. Doubt you can ever come back from this.
What's it like to lose ALL respect from the majority of your viewers in less than 24 hrs ?
You've literally become to the nation a prime example of bending the knee to the pig mentality in the White House
Rarely watched your network, but now I will be sure to never tune in again. Your network is now too white for this white lady. I’ll seek out diverse voices and perspectives elsewhere. Good luck competing with Fox. You have no credibility after all the firings you did today. Could you be anymore obvious in your racism and acquiescence to the fat orange blob and his criminal thugs? So glad I stopped watching msnbc on 11/7. You were once a beacon of truth against trump, but now you’re simply trash.
Why are you taking Joy Reid off the air? She’s the only reason me and my family watch MSNBC at night. Shame on you! Of course your ratings are low. People are in shock with what’s going on and don’t wanna watch the news. I did for 2 weeks after the election except for the Reid Out.
They’re going anti-DEI (firing all the folks of color) per Donald Trump. It’s sickening. And apparently they’re firing loads of folks who put the shows together. I’d hate to have to give up MSNBC, but this sh*t may just do it.
From this day forward, MSNBC’s new MAGA-sympathizing President’s Musk-like regime will be called MSWhitey. Let’s see how fast we can crush her “new” network.
Our allies have to assume our entire govt is now corrupt and compromised. That’s the result when a lifelong con man, sexual predator and convicted felon wins. And, when that lowlife then puts other lowlifes into positions of power within our govt.
The Republican Party is allowing Trump and Elon to threaten American workers and try and take away their livelihood and cause poverty and destruction of families. Why are republicans just sitting there and letting this happen don’t they care about America.
The talking heads blaming Democrats for not fighting with fist and teeth is not the right way to fight. Sending a stronger message to Trumper in Trump Land is. What are these talking heads doing to push that message? You only need to wake up 35% MAGA to the fact they are losing their jobs too.
Hey, MSNBC, thanks for giving me another reason not to watch your news! Getting rid of Joy and Alex was a real classy move. Now U can use Substack more and subscribe to real, honest, not corporate controlled cowards and clowns.
When you are losing viewers, the solution isn’t to fire your best. Fox News already exists. People like me switched to independent journalism years ago. We want facts, not profits. You want profits, facts be dammed. You will end up with neither.
I can't believe that you caved to a convicted felon! You have NO BALLS & should be ashamed of yourselves. We aren't blind, we know that you got rid of 4 people who all happen to be NON-WHITE. Joy Reid is a fantastic show host! As are Katie Phang and Jose Diaz-Balart, what the hell is wrong with you?
JUst stopping by to mention that you guys ARE IDIOTS. Or is it that the $$$$ have finally corrupted you completely, too. Joy Reid is fantastic and you have committed and serious self-inflicted wound. Top leadership should swept clean. You corporate toady shitheads.
Nothing in your feed about canceling Joy Reid's show, and I won't even bother scrolling further to check. Just going to plunk my comment here. It's a highly disappointing move, and I'll no longer follow your network here or look to you for my regular news. I hope you get a shit ton of blowback.
I look forward when your whole network goes dark for good. We will not be returning. You've lost support for life. Hope those MAGA people will prop you up.
So you’re getting rid of all your good anchors but *keeping* the fascist-compliant Joe Scarborough? Fuck you, @MSNBC, I’m officially done with your network.
Goodbye, MSNBC. You let Joy Reid go, and then Katie Phang? Goodbye. I'll get my news elsewhere. Yes, I'm a female, I guess you're not interested in us anymore.
Morning Joe doesn't even rank among the top 10 shows with viewers on MSNBC. Reid's show ranks 7th. How do you keep the one show that's underperforming and fire the one that's bringing you viewers? Who are the white men at MSNBC thinking out of their asses?
Disappointed in MSNBC!!! Mistakenly believed you guys were different!! Gonna lose your audience with this "shake up", you are doing!!! Love you Joy Reid! Katie Phang! Alex Wagner!
The agents in the FBI and perhaps the CIA not to mention the military have been carefully trained with some wonderful skill sets and truly love their country as a Democratic Republic! In this case subversive essence and organization may…..🌎
What are you thinking?!! Your cancellations are unacceptable. Did someone really advise you to do this? Katie Phang? Jonathan Capehart? Yet you have Morning Joe for 4 hours? And, trust me, no one wants to watch Katie Tur.
MSNBC getting rid of POC anchors??? Wtf?? Anti-DEI. Bowing down to the 🍊🤡?? I could name a couple of white anchors that dont hold a candle to Joy/Katie… Joe/Mika. Oh but they’re white and kissed trump’s ring. I swear… Rachel/Lawrence will be the only ones i will watch.
I know! I LOVE him too! But this is some really scary bullshit! For MSNBC to do this right now in todays climate… SMH, they just dug their own problem!!!💯💯💯👋🏼👋🏽👋🏾
If they don't walk in protest it's really time to accept, the quiet fascists the left wing really is. Rachel and Lawrence will rep the face of the fake left wing. We should all be canceling our cable service (including streaming cable), and bucking all the TV news rn.
DEI firings. RACIST MSNBC!! It didn't escape any of us, what all of these people have in common. You are dropping to your knees for the pussy grabbing DICTATOR, and you are betraying your viewers. Become a MAGA propaganda tool, let us all see how LOW you are willing to sink!
Elon Musk is like a little kid living inside a video game, he has no idea of the real world. Laughing at Americans crying over losing their jobs makes me sick. I didn't vote for this clown.
1/2 I think YOU are acting like "malign domestic & foreign actors." WTabsoluteF is wrong with you? Joy Reid… Gone? Alex Wagner…Gone? Katie Phang…Gone? This seems like pure racism & sexism.
2/2 I just listened to Maddow politely fillet you & I agree with every word she said but I, with NO restraint, will say, you are beyond hideous & disgusting‼️
MSNBC you suck!! You’ve bent the knee. You canceled Joy Reid & Alex Wagner among others. Who’s next? Ali Velshi (you know he’s CDN 🫢). I won’t be surprised if Rachel tells you where to stuff it after her 100 days are over. You’re stuck with your pasty white morning show that’s become unwatchable.
So, about those firings, you gonna just pretend they didn't happen?
Just don't address it, let the narrative lay as it falls on or minds?
Is it because you know it was wrong and have nothing to say?
The f outta here
Where is your journalistic integrity? You have lost yourselves. Edward, Ida, Martha & Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr... they all would be appalled at the state of journalism and so-called 'journalists' today. Pathetic. Just like this mosh pit of an administration.
Getting rid of and is a huge mistake!!! I love but I hate that Alex Wagner won’t be a regular. What in the hell are you people thinking???!!!
It was bad enough watching Mika and Joe bow to the king. I stopped watching Morning Joe after than. I was hanging on for Reid and Velshi, but I’m done with MSNBC. You are no better than Fox and CNN now.
Sorry, but that's not news. The despot has opened up our country to the world, especially the highest bidders. Collusion is one of his favorite sports.
So basically, HHS employees (& others) to be safe, need to have 5 bullet-point responses like this? 1. I wrote a report stating __ 2. I emailed the report to__ 3. I then, spoke w/ ___ saying__ 4. __replied back to me saying __ 5. I revised my report stating__ ( __ = black rectangle boxes). F-Elon
MSNBC is way too white for my taste. Is anyone reading these replies? You know what? Independent media is going to grab your audience. So, go ahead and kiss Trump's feet. See what happens. Firing her was a big mistake. She was one of the few segments I would watch. Unfollowing and not watching you anymore. Shameful.
Rebecca Kutler, a former CNN senior executive, was named MSNBC’s new president. Why not fire Kutler? Seems like anyone coming from cnn isn’t good at making decisions. Shame on you for bending the knee to the orange clown
Where's the post about your racist, misogynist, fascist firing of Joy Reid et al? Hmmmm??....MMSNBCWA!!! Make MSNBC White Again!!! WTF is wrong with you? Is Lester Holt leaving rather than be fired??? Hmmmm???
I can not believe you are canceling Joy Reid show…she is one of the best anchors on msnbc…I am extremely disappointed and will be shutting off this station…
I watched Morning Joe for years but have switched to CNN. Joe has ruined the show and the guests….. 🥱
Nicolle Wallace is the only person I watch anymore. Terrible choices and judgement when half the country is looking for resistance voices!
What the fuck are you doing MSNBC?? Obeying in advance. Bending far further than over. Embracing white supremacy, misogyny and homophobia. I mean what the fuck?
Hey Racist MSNBCocksuckers! You apparently have all you need right here. You are nothing more than Fox KKK lite. Won't ever watch or mention you again!! Get back to you plantations!!
Ok, HELP ME UNDERSTAND why you’re throwing yourselves in the trash by purging almost all of your best hosts? I’m down to watching 1 now. And once she’s gone, so am I and likely the rest of your audience - because we’re not racist and misogynistic.
So now we know that you in the leadership are just klansmen in suits. I cannot fathom that you cancelled Joy's show along with others who are people of color. I'm through with you as a network. You're a bunch of wicked men. I will not be watching MSNBC anymore. Court your FOX viewers...sycophants. 🤮
Why did you not fire Joe and Mika? I stopped watching your channel regularly when they sucked up to Trump. But I still watched Joy on YouTube. Joy Reid would never have kissed Trump's ass.
With all these host firing and changing lineups, it seems that the MSNBC peacock must have caught the orange man Bird Flu. The network has become an empty shell of its former self. So pathetic.
Rebecca Kutler= Failure. She just tanked your network by her racist move. We already have Faux news Newsmax and OAN. We didn't need another MAGA TV station bending the new to the Fascist Felon and the Tesla Nazi. Enjoy your ratings drop.
If your organization cared sooooo much about potential Elawwwn abuses, maybe you shouldn't have done so many hit pieces against Kamala! Fuck every single one of you, but a special fuck right on off to Joe Scarborough and his fake blonde door mat🖕🖕
I stopped watching CNN after the May 2023 town hall debacle. With MSNBC’s recent dismissal of Joy Reid, I’ll now only tune into The Rachel Maddow Show. For other news, I’ll rely on AP, Reuters, and various independent voices on YouTube and Bluesky.
Fuck you guys. Joy reid was the beacon for the majority of the democratic base. Caving to trump and the right you will lose voters/ viewers on the left for this
MSNBC, you just blew any chance of bringing your viewers back. Why on earth would you think we want to watch the annoying Jen Psaki but not the electric Joy Reid? MSNBC was the only reason we had kept our cable, but this week we’re seriously thinking of canceling cable and MSNBC along with it.
Time for a new progressive media option that looks like the nation in color, age and views & reflects on local concerns being ignored.
You've literally become to the nation a prime example of bending the knee to the pig mentality in the White House
Be best !!
Heil Hitler !!!
Same thing
Trump is a cancer.
but the 77 million ignorant mostly old white
and Christian evangelical nationalists hypocrites
and alt-right types
“voters” from the rural red hinterland
gave the country away to Russia.
Racist fucking shit smears
won't be watching the MS NaziBC
We’ve stayed with you because we needed to know what was really happening.
But bending over for the Fat Fürher, has us thinking that you’re no longer trustworthy.
We need real news and honest commentary.
No DEI? NO watching your shows.
Republicans approve of this Coup. Treat them accordingly!
Goodbye America!
They will continue to LIE to us for money - the only thing they care about.
Check out - they’re not fascist loving liars.
We need MSNBC to be strong and vibrant.
Ratings are up with elections and naturally tail off after.
We only Watch MSNBC.
If you become more CNN which is more conservative now?
We don’t need or want a more corporate voice, we need and want a 💯 voice.
Magical ReidOut Show
I have tears.
Powerful 🙏🙏🙏
Godspeed Joy Reid
Senator Reid?
not surprised that you are showing your true racist colors...
but what the hell people. stop following this damned account.
if they have no followers or viewers, they will really know how you feel.
I can't give up the 3 on the right. They're the only hosts I plan on watching now.
Because they have the stench of white supremacy and Fascism.
Your whole network is going to go down the tubes, and it deserves it.
Fuck Trump.
Just don't address it, let the narrative lay as it falls on or minds?
Is it because you know it was wrong and have nothing to say?
The f outta here
Nicolle Wallace is the only person I watch anymore. Terrible choices and judgement when half the country is looking for resistance voices!
You are 100% complicit