People need to start speaking up on the number of people who even fall into this, they are trying to cause such chaos over a tiny amount of people, all they care about is confusing everyone while they steal from the American people, rob you blind, laugh in your faces
I hate to say it, but this is a huge mistake. This is one part of why they lost the election. The majority of girls, millions, in k-12 sports do not want to compete with or be in a dressing room with trans athletes - of which there are less than 10. It’s a consent issue I, and other dems support.
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
Republicans understand most of the country disapproves of transgenders. Especially in women's sports. They also know it takes 60 votes in the Senate. Democrats took the bait. Republicans purpose wasn't to pass a bill but to distract from all the horrible things they do.
It is not up to government to decide whom or how sports are played. Every sports authority has regulations based on needs and fair play. I hope the IOC, FIFA and others remembers their core values and treats this as a threat to sports, if the GOP succeeds with their governing overreach.
The end is nowhere in sight. It is aimed at strengthening the #trumpiverse and DT being completely outrageous to divert attention while censoring media
We are headed for a Government #shutdown with our constitution left hanging in the balance. #3E #FederalDown
Fox panders to the 30% furthest right. MSNBC 10% farthest left. CNN more to the 60% left in the middle. The left has gone so far left they have lost touch with the average American.
I am moderate and the fact that you think that means you only focus on the extreme right and believe in the extreme left. I’m almost sure we could find common ground, but it takes letting go of the extreme.
The fact that Republicans voted for this is a disgrace. How would the know? Genitalia checks? Lift my kids skirt and someone would learn what a knock to the head feels like.
We have no other issues to fix in this country? THIS is the most pressing issue that needs the attention of congress? Makes me sick that persecuting the trans community is higher priority than housing costs, medical debt, access to healthcare... the list goes on and on.
I understand it's manufactured rage to distract from issues they don't want to/can't address, but this is how the republican party continues to fail the American people.
It’s the exact kind of issue that they beat us with in 2024. It may be 10 trans athletes in the whole country, it doesn’t matter. The average American sees Democrats defending trans women in women’s sports and it brings our judgment into question. We really need to stop dying on this hill.
in the Jim jones mass-psychosis motif.
The silent Republican Party & dementia man
may stumble into creating nuclear war.
But the “real problem” ,
the real god dam problem
is the 77 million voters,
that enable this
“reality show” of madness.
Shame on ALL politicians making this an “issue”.
We are headed for a Government #shutdown with our constitution left hanging in the balance. #3E #FederalDown
Try to ban this 👇