@maddow.msnbc.com just want to give my awesome Representative from Oregon her due, and let you know it was Rep. Maxine Dexter from Oregon…Not Maryland 😉
We all could use our daily dose of Joy (Reid). Honestly what kind of deal did you make that you had to get rid of your number two anchor/ host. Trump agree not to sue was a lawsuit dropped that what the trade-off was. It's rhetorical question we know
The word is, Trump threatens Congress & Senate with being primary'd. Your constituents are going to do the same for letting Trump destroy their life by means of financial hardships. The threat is the same, but your constituents, are in touching distance. Stand with your constituents over Trump.
In response to what Jacob Soboroff just asked about Musk and personal data, Musk et al. were browsing NUMIDENT records at SSA instead of payment records. The only thing he could get from those rather than payment records is race, ethnicity, and immigration status data.
Ms. Maddow, tell the American people the truth! Because Trump won't! Trump wants to make Putin and Russia stronger! And America and Europe weaker!
So he can bring in our military into our streets to stop the next election!
That's what he's doing right now!
Sorry but I can’t watch that orange fuck lie. Watching Senator Wyden’s townhall instead. Wish my democratic senators would do this after walking out of that clown show.
It's time we remind these people WHO they work for & WHO pays their salary. IF work for Elon & Trump, get a paycheck from them. Oh wait, Trump & Elon paid by taxpayers funds too! Find your representatives, email & phone. https://www.house.gov/representati...
Find Your Representative | https://house.gov
tRumps popularity finally going down because his actions are finally affecting THEM! (Caring for others is harder to do), but hit them right where THEY live and RETALIATION will be fierce!
All tuned in for the dog & pony show.
I can see through the wool with my x-ray vengeance goggles.
Got a Trump proof shit shield from Canadia, hope it works.
Got Mexican tequilla to protect my eyes from the blinding orange.
Even have industrial grade ear muffs designed to eject the flurry of lies.
Plenty of misery
Bring back Joy 🤣
We all could use our daily dose of Joy (Reid). Honestly what kind of deal did you make that you had to get rid of your number two anchor/ host. Trump agree not to sue was a lawsuit dropped that what the trade-off was. It's rhetorical question we know
Will Trump be freshly diapered?
When was the last time he used (up his nose) Adderall?
It's been reported that he suffers from anal leakage.
Discuss 🤔
So he can bring in our military into our streets to stop the next election!
That's what he's doing right now!
Find Your Representative | https://house.gov
I can see through the wool with my x-ray vengeance goggles.
Got a Trump proof shit shield from Canadia, hope it works.
Got Mexican tequilla to protect my eyes from the blinding orange.
Even have industrial grade ear muffs designed to eject the flurry of lies.