She is the most qualified person to serve as the next governor of California. She has always fought for common sense issues to improve lives in local communities. This isn’t a platform for the next thing for her. This is the thing
Please help make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast moving coup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
Kamala Harris should just go away...we do not need Liz Warren.... AOC... Bernie Sanders or anybody else perceived as radical lunatics... Right or wrong...perception is reality. Need a whole new team of players with fresh ideas not old wine new bottle
Long Con Teflon Don that's his new nickname since he likes giving them out. do you job and speak truth to power, also shame for FIRING all the people of color, weakness in a time when we need courage. You kissed the ring to this guy??
Good for her. Run Kamala Run (borrowed from Forest Gump) Why not? What did John Lewis tell us, "making good trouble" is what we must do? So, Run Kamala Run.
Rather Nixonian. Except she would probably win the governor's race. If she stayed true to form, there would be a successful presidential run in 2032. Let's hope that's where the similarities end.
Who the fuck would vote for this loser? She wants power but hasn’t spoken up publicly once about Trump since she lost? Democrats have no leader and if she wanted to show she is one she’d be out there showing us she is. She doesn’t deserve to win another election for anything ever. She’s a fraud
She didn't ignore the base. She did the best she could since she got thrown into it at the last minute. She is a fierce black woman and had no chance of winning.
lol there are plenty of fierce women of color in politics. Harris is not one of them. AOC is, Ilhan Omar is, Jasmine Crockett is, Cori Bush was, Nina Turner is, Ayana Presley is. Kamala Harris is not. She is a weak woman who stands for nothing.
Oh please. She is the former VP and last Candidate. She doesn’t need the media to come to her. She is not in this for the people she is in it for her ego and the money. Leaders don’t need to be asked to lead they do it because it’s right. Especially when the enemy is fascism.
The DNC and the Media are completely uninterested in her right now. And if she did try to lead or say anything they would violently swing from ignoring her to mercilessly ridiculing her, back and forth and back and forth.
It's like you have no idea how politics or how the political press work.
I understand how politics works. I just want to change it. I’m down with blowing up the system just not the fascist part. If we beat Trump it’s not going to be the Democratic leadership that does it it’s going to be grass roots left wing organizations. They’re the ones who protest and do the work.
The DNC hates Bernie. I assume you do too. That’s not stopping him from holding sold out town halls in red districts explaining what’s going on. You people are pathetic.
The world is a better place with Kamala in service of the people. California would benefit tremendously from having her as their president—oops I meant Governor. Easy to imagine how much better we’d all be if she was Madame President.
Yes Please! Governors across the country meet, just as State Justices and Prosecutors. We need to turn this country away from Fascism.
Who in their right mind (Trump) would block satellite coverage for Ukraine. Republicans Are Not Patriots!
Yeah she’s one hell of a leader. She’s been so vocal since her loss. Shes really showing she cares about the fascists. You people are delusional if you’d ever vote for her again.
I’d have preferred her but I don’t like her and I’m not going to pretend she did everything right. I live in Massachusetts so had the liberty to vote my morals and I voted De La Cruz. I’m a socialist not a democrat and will always vote for a socialist over a democrat. I voted democrat down ballot.
I couldn’t tell you one thing she accomplished in California, as a senator or as VP. The only thing that made me consider voting for her was Walz but they sidelined him for Cheney. I was an adult during the Iraq wars and I will never vote for anyone who associates with a Cheney.
The US is not ready to vote for woman president.
As a governor she'll have a platform again.
It's like you have no idea how politics or how the political press work.
Also...wait for it, he's not actually a Democrat! So the DNC literally has no say.
You literally don't know how politics works.
Governor! She’d be great! Give her more exposure!
Who in their right mind (Trump) would block satellite coverage for Ukraine. Republicans Are Not Patriots!
We'll need a good worker to fix Trump's mess.
She and Walz can win easily.