The whole fentanyl uproar is bs and is beyond maddening. They seized 43 pounds in one year at our border.... seriously....this is a drug country??? Fuck Shitler and Putin. Oh yeah, and fElon. How's about America keeps it's guns and drugs.
Please share!Make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast movingcoup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
That's fucking terrible. People and their goddamned guns. Big hug for our Canadian Brothers and Sisters. 🫂 Positive thoughts mixed with sadness at the tragic loss of innocent lives. The people of America support you as you always have us. So, so very sorry.💔
Perspective. About 26% gun ownership in Canada. Canada does have firearms manufacturing, but they do import more than they manufacture. Yes, they legally import firearms from the USA, but also Spain, Turkey, and Italy.
This doesn’t happen in Canada, something reeks here. I hope this isn’t something put into action to stoke more tensions with our neighbors by outside actors. I know, that sounds a bit out there but I don’t put anything off the table these days.
Who tf would it be a win for? This is traumatic with no winners. 🤮