USAID employees told to burn or shred classified documents
Trump is the AntiChrist.
The dead-letter-literal-interpretation of the Bible,
evangelical fundamentalists white nationalists churches
have been warning about the man of sin" and "son of perdition.
And when he appears, they elect him president.
Boycott the churches on radio & TV.
SMH… on your watch
This would all STOP if they objected. Treat them accordingly!
They are becoming the enemy.
Even Europe, including Germany did recovery after WWII. Quite there, we are not YET. But we are getting closer each day...
What are they hiding?
Who the money went to?
They think they got it all. They didn't. Nothing is ever truly deleted or destroyed these days
And that light is the flame of Democracy and fundamental rights being snuffed out by an un-elected billionaire with a God complex on ketamine benders.
I am an Artist. This is how I can fight.
Rage on!
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